Christi35's Profile

Member Info
Name: Christi35
Birthday: Feb 9 1977
Location: Monroe, Louisiana
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 13 Apr 2016

Membership: Member

Personal Bio
What is your age? I am 35 years old
What knowledge do you have about magick? I have very little knowledge of magick but I have been investigating.
What are you wanting to learn? I am wanting to learn how to become one with the universe and learn how to control my anger.
How can you contribute to the coven? I am okay when it comes to investigating things. I am a beginner but I am hoping to be able to contribute in the future.
Are you willing to teach if you have the required knowledge level? If I had the knowledge then I would be more than happy to teach.
What other covens have you been in? I have never been in a coven.