Hello everyone!

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Hello everyone!
Post # 1
As you probably know by where I'm posting this I am new, both to this site and magic. I'm looking to find myself and personally I think this is the best place to do it (not just the site just opening my mind to magic in general). Now I can't get to serious cause that's just not how I am so.....hi! I'm also looking for someone to be a type of teacher or mentor so if your up the the job just tell me, any help is wanted help on my end.
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Re: Hello everyone!
Post # 2
If you ae not too serious then why would you want a mentor or teacher. This would require time and energy from your mentor/teacher and if you are not serious then this would be wasted effort and energy. Perhaps you should come back when you are ready to be serious.
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Re: Hello everyone!
Post # 3
no i meant in introducing myself. I'm serious about learning I just don't want to come off as being strictly one way or the other. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused in my carelessness in typing.
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Re: Hello everyone!
Post # 4
read my profile and send message with details if interested
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