Experiences with Samhain

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Experiences with Samhain
Post # 1
What is everyone's experience with Samhain, and what does it mean to you, personally? Two questions.

Re: Experiences with Samhain
Post # 2
To me I experienced a change of what is important. A moment of clarity. My coven had Samhain early, but I don't think that it is necessarily bad to have it early. During the Sabbat, so I did celebrate early, I got rid of all the old things, in my life, that I needed to get rid of. I put all my troubles into four rocks, then they are to be dumped into the ocean, to bring back to nature. For me this year, Samhain was about clarity, finding out what is important, and learning what is not important. I had to get rid of old things, in order to find the new and better ways of living. I see it also as a time to remember loved ones, and to honor the dead. Death can teach us things. I learned that one cannot hang onto old things forever, especially if the old things are holding one back from life, in general. My new years resolution is all about clarity, finding enlightenment. I feel I have come closer to my deities.

This is what I think of Samhain. Samhain is all about making new deals, and riding of the old. It is also about talking to the spirits of the dead, and remembering that life must go on, but life must go on with preparation. Yes, it is when the veil between the spirit world and the physical world are at their thinnest. It is a time of harvest, in many aspects, and in almost all aspects. It is almost as if I give myself up to my deities, but not quite. It is more like I gave my problems up to them, so that they could handle those problems for me. I submit myself to my deities, in this sense.

My final deposition, on what I think, on Samhain, is this. The final harvest can be all about anything, that one desires, but one must be willing to get rid of the old first, before the new can come in. I believe it to be also a time to honor the dead. I also see it as a time as the day that the dead walks, for that time of that year. There is something to be learned from death/coming to an end, and it is what I just said above. Life is a cycle, and it is ever changing. I got rid of confusion, and I let clarity in, which is really great for a young person that I am.

Oh, it just snowed today, where I am from, which signifies winter is finally here. I could just feel the winter milieu, in the air. It is good.

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