The All knowing people

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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
vos vos vos understanding reality gives me the right to clam things possible or not. magick aids us in our everyday life. It is used to boost a persons situation for the better. a longing desire for wings or to turn into a creature does not help the caster in no shape or form to live better. those that desire such things suffer from low self esteem in some way and needs to appreciated their own worth and value (personally I try to refrain from responding to those threads in fear of being too mean in a response, so I know you are not referring to me). there are gray areas though,cause the references to the capabilities of magick gets mixed in with imagination, fantasy, and the rhetoric from occult's biggest opposition. yes, it may appear harsh to get repeated answers of "it cant happen" but this is a open forum and people are expressing there honest answer to save the thread starter's time
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Re: The All knowing people
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
I will start a new thread to try and explain what we mean by "the natural order". Witchcraft was, and to some extent still is, akin to Alchemy. The difference being that witches tended to "study" nature, whilst Alchemists performed "experiments". Both were seeking "truth", and with a great deal of success.
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Re: The All knowing people
Post # 10
i hate them to back in the old days of magic the word imposable was not in a witchs vocab now they all say no that wont work no it cant happen and im sick of it witch now a day dont now there past and dont u dare conderdict me i remember there is now right or wrong way of magic in my past life i was aways a witch i seen all the ages of man and i agree with vos, it sickniss me to few of us know the true of that past im gald i know and i only know one other that remember the past i really wish some of these withes would just shut up they not know the past if there saying it cant happen imposable then they dont know that it is , thank u for this post
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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
Everyone always says "in the old days" in defense of their outlandish claims that magic can create all sorts of effects that are born of Hollywood.

If the witches of old were actually capable of such things, as so many of you claim, then I rather suspect the "burning times" would have had a very different result.

So many of you rely upon this as some sort of actual claim to legitimacy, yet how many of you have actually read anything about the history of these peoples, or otherwise read a historical grimoire with an understanding of its' actual origins, the time period in which it was written, and so forth? Very few, I'm guessing, or else we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Well guess what... Those of us who tell you it isn't possible have studied the magical workings of those time periods. We have also, in many cases, studied the surrounding history of the time periods. Many of us also mingle that with a keen understanding of the physics of the multiverse and a rich experience of magical practice that far outweighs the imagined past lives and other such deluded hopes often expressed behind such false claims of magic.

The attempt is to create an actual education. An actual learning environment. I personally don't care if you're offended or not. Please take your bruised ego and run back to sob into a blanket while you watch whatever Disney movies gave you the hopes and dreams that with enough urgent belief and denial magic could help you do anything.

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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
Minerva, I'm "daring" to contradict you. I promise someday you will get over it.

Let me explain to you what really happened in the past with witches and magick.

The concern of what we can call a witch was maintaining the health of their family/community/tribe(shaman). They healed normal ailments through the use of herbs. They praised the divine for good crops and prayed through rough agricultural times. They cared for their livestock and *might* have used them in ritual offerings. They were in awe of the seasons. They're connection to the divine was not by attempting to grow wings and fly up there, nor was it by shooting fire blasts, or becoming werevampicorns.

Magick, in the simplest terms possible, was life to them and in everything they did.

If in your little past life regression you can honestly say anything I said is wrong and they spent their days trying to do impossible feats, I will tell you to quit eating cheese before going to sleep.
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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
preach it sister! woohoo!
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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
magick cannot break the laws of physics and science!! period! commonsense and logic!
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Re: The All knowing people
Post # 15
I love all the angry little fluffies, I think that's why I stick around. Besides getting a good chuckle every now and than, I like to find out where they find their far out claims. A person can be fluffy, but can also choose to actually do the work and research & turn into a great practitioner. But unfortunately most fluffies are lazy and depend on what their also "inexperienced" BFF's tell them. Thus making an "angry fluffy".

Vos your rage can't even come close to matching the frustration we experienced practitioners exert when dealing with hard-headed and obtuse people. If for one second we tell you it's impossible and spent the time trying to prove us wrong instead of crying about it; you might go from angry fluffy to student of magick.. ;)
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Re: The All knowing people
Post # 16
all I have to say is the witches of the "burning times" were betrayed by other witches who had lost their way
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Re: The All knowing people
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
Actually, most people who were persecuted in any witch hunt were Christians who were turned in by fellow Christians to gain property, monies, notoriety and be used as examples to further push for control by the Church.
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