a new believer.

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a new believer.
Post # 1
hello to everyone!
im going to be completely honest.
ive always had a feeling that something else existed, something that i could controle, and i want to learn about it. i want to know what there really is that exists both within and around me.

i recently had an experience that both horrified me, and interested me, and if you dont mind i would like to share it with you:
in grand blanc, michigan there are the ruins of the old mott farm. they are back on a trail behind the library parking lot. all i really know about its history is that it burned down a long time ago, and was the practice site of native american religion (medicine wheels were the proof of that), wicca (pentacles drawn on rocks, trees, and such.), and belive it or not christianity. a fiew friends and i decided to go "ghost hunting" to scare a fiew other friends of ours, but what i experienced was completely unexpected.

as soon as i entered the wooded area i felt a strange energy, and it was like i was feeding off of it. it was strange; it gave me arrogance, the feeling like i was so much more powerful than all of the others around me.
we entered the clearing where the house once stood, and we were walking on the ruins of the houses foundation and something drew me to look behind myself. as i turned i felt like something was there that didnt want us to be. once i had turned a full 180 i saw a man standing there, but i wasnt frightened, i was like i could see him, but i couldnt, like when you glimpse something in your peripheral vision. he was tall bald, and looked as if he was wearing a black jacket with a stained white button down shirt under it. he started to walk towards me, but dissapeared.

instantly i knew that we should leave. we started to walk back, and i could feel presences all around us, (a fiew others did aswell, so i know that im not insane), i would see vague shapes of people but nothing as solid as the man that i saw before.

as we left i felt as if i should stop, so i sent the others ahead, and stood my ground. i felt that i should tell them that "im here, in your place, as only a visitor, and a spectator. i dont mean any harm to you, or your home." i focused on that phrase for only a fiew minuts, and a form appeared in front of me, only inches from my face. it was like the air took a shape... i couldnt make out distinct features, except for that of a human shape.

it stared me dead in the face, but i held my ground, despite the fact that i wanted to run away and cry in a corner. the presence paced around me in a full circle, and ended up on my right side. i felt it place a firm hand on my back, and the other was pressed against my chest. i felt it grip with the hand that was on my chest, and instantly i felt ok. i felt calm and relaxed, but i also felt like the entire universe was pouring all of itsself into me...

im a believer. i know that this is truth. so please, anyone who is willing, teach me... i want to know everything.
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 2
anything that you can teach me, i am open to learn.

and on your own time. i wouldnt want to cause you any stress.
i am very greatful.
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 3
wiccas are not evil!!!
they are people that learn the ways of nature they only help nature!
Yea and don't i recommend you to go back there if you go (go whit a pentagram you will be more protected)
well if you want to learn magic start whit meditation and energy manipulation and if you need help just ask!
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 4
evil wiccas thas not exist thats evil wizards/witches but not wiccas
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 5
Hip your sadly mistaken. There is evil in everything just as there is good and a neutral point. Wickens have been given a bad name by the few who stand out doing evil. Black magic and white magic intertwine in many of the arts. Going into a place such as wicken unprepared however will lead to those black magic users looking to manipulate and twist you in ways that will hurt you in the end.
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 6
Evil wiccans ARE FRAUD'S
real wicca is about learning how the nature manifestates and more but i don't have time
U people think that wicca is just religion where u do magick
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 7
Hipno, I think what everyone's trying to say about the evil wiccans is that the evil wiccans' thinking is that they are wiccan, but instead they are using another form of magic, one that should not be used. If these so called 'evil' wiccans are what they say they are, then our three fold rule will eventually kill them if they are casting evil energies......I'm sorry to be grim, but this is what I believe. I agree with you Hipno, that wiccans that are evil are frauds, but what I have typed above is my belief.
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 8
I think HipnoMaster is trying to say that "wicca" and "witch" are not interchangeable, which I agree with... though I also have to point out, nature-worship isn't limited to cuddly rabbits-- the moon has a dark face, the ecosystem has natural predators that KILL in some messy painful ugly ways, and the four elements can make some terrible natural disasters... and even just by recognizing that in nature and in ourselves there is a dark side you can be considered evil by other people. And then there's the Left-hand path, while it may spark criticism, following that path doesn't automatically make a person not Wiccan.
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Re: a new believer.
Post # 9
you werent harmed or any thing midge were you?
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