incubus, can I summon?

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Re: incubus, can I summon?
Post # 41
I've heard Asmodeus was captured by King Solomon to help him find the Shamir stone, but there's no mention of him being set free. Not saying he hasn't been, but when I heard the story, I couldn't help but feel bad if that really happened. Because that would mean they ruined the drinking water he protected so carefully, and forced him into slavery almost. I have nothing against demons, I actually pity them. No matter what anyone's done, no one deserves that kind of treatment.
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Re: incubus, can I summon?
Post # 42
An incubus is a demon who create nightmares and having sex with women,succubus is a Female who is having sex with males, Dont mess with them,they takes Alot of energy from you
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