How'd you discover magic?

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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 101

I think for me it was more a matter of discovering a name to give it. Things have happened as long as I can remember, some that I'm sure I caused. I just wasn't sure exactly how to discuss, discribe or difine any of it. I think I put the pieces together in my late teens when I fell in with a group of other kids involved in various magical and paranormal related activities and discussions. Tarot was the first thing I picked up as far as a formal and notible... more focused and defined skill. From there everything else just sort of lined right up for me to start looking into.

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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 102
i was on youtube and i searched wizard to see what came up. i saw that all that came up was a bunch of tutorials for spells and i watched them and then decided that magick could be real and i researched it and found this site
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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 103
quite confusing actually. Most of my life i was fascinated by magic and stuff and doing magic, and then i met someone who could do magic and they told me about it. But theres more 2 the story and its even more confusing. After like a year from meeting him, i dunno i looked at a lamp and just stared at it. (dont ask me why) and then it started glowing a bit, becoming brighter (very slowly tho and not by much) i thought it was just my imagination but i was wrong. After then i could sometimes make a room dark, or dark 2 me.
After 2 more years i decided 2 search it up (im a newbie) and learn more about it. I still have contact with the dude who told me but i dont talk 2 him much.
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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 104
I personally just knew that magick was real. At least that's what I felt as a kid, but nothing in my life suggested that it was real. Around the age of ten I felt even more that it was real, because I noticed that every now and then I could feel the future. I say feel because when this occurs I already know what is going to happen, and sometimes change it. Although that is rare that I do change it. Still though I had no proof that magick existed, no one in my life ever told me so, when I got into an argument with a friend about one of these feelings, she cause me to stop thinking of magic for a time.

Now, here I am at the age of 16 and decided to try find magick again. That lead me to this site talking to you. :D Have a wonderful day.
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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 105
When I was in 4th grade my friend told me all about magick and I became interested. I ignored it for a while but then I suddenly found this site and now im on it alot
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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 106
My name is Amegirl and have always been fascinated with the occult. I have had visuals of apparitions, certain dread when there is bad news coming, etc. I am trying to learn the proper ways of being in a coven to help teach my children as well. I am an avid reader about the paranormal, witchcraft or wiccan, and some things on the dark side. I would enjoy enhancing these abilities to someday communicate with spirits, ghosts, or even deamons. Wish me luck!!!

Blessed Be,

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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 107
I have seen full-bodied apparitions since childhood. I sensed things that were fixing to happen. I wasn't introduced to the occult unril high school. I was very intrigued by how you can make spells and have power other religious beliefs. I am attracted to the supernatural as well. I am not afraid to try anything as long as "do as you will, as to harm none".

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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 108
I have seen full-bodied apparitions since childhood. I sensed things that were fixing to happen. I wasn't introduced to the occult unril high school. I was very intrigued by how you can make spells and have power other religious beliefs. I am attracted to the supernatural as well. I am not afraid to try anything as long as "do as you will, as to harm none".

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Re: How'd you discover magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 109
My story probably isn't as elaborate as some of the previous ones, but I kinda already knew about magick. I saw the spirit of my grandfather when I was two. We used to play with my cars at the top of the stairs together and after he passed away he came back and played with me for a few days.

One day he told me that he had an important message for my mom, but when I tried to let her know she was putting me to bed and told me that my grandfather would have to wait for morning. By morning it was to late and she never got the message. I also never saw my grandfather again, it is my belief it was his time to move on and by now I'm sure he's reincarnated.

After that I continued trying to communicate with spirits. By the time I was eight I had been taught about energy manipulation by a friend of mine and began experimenting with that. I never had any specific spells nor rituals to perform, I see both as merely methods of ensuring and empowering the manipulation of energy which is perhaps the core of magick. Chanting rhymes and mixing herbs are tools to empower the act, but not required for success.

Anyways, that's getting off track... A few years ago I came here looking to learn more, found out how much I really knew, started teaching, and due to a number of circumstances I left. Now I'm back, it's hard to stay away, but I don't intend to take up where I left off. I'm simply here to talk.
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Re: How'd you discover magic?
Post # 110
A japanese friend did black magic (which he had said)and told me a lot of weird things which i thought were impossible. We aren't friends anymore, but a few weeks ago i decided to check it out, bought a few books, and began to study. I've only done one ritual, and i do a cleansing spell everyday to be extra safe. Just because i don't have much money I tried finding materials around the house. I carved my wand out of a branch that was behind the shed for firewood, then I'm using a wine glass for a chalice, and i have a small sea oriented altar set up in my bedroom.
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