Re-Introduce Yourself

CovenDeep Arts ► Re-Introduce Yourself
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Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 34
I have returned (back from the grave for halloween, haha).

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 35

Welcome back home brother ;-)

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 36

Just an old face returning.

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
By: / Novice
Post # 37
Blessed Greetings,

Not new to the Craft but new to this site.
Found two homes here, Deep Arts and Magic Beings Working Alone.

Pretty decent Tarot reader and teacher.
Let me know if you want a reading or to learn.

I am well versed on herbs, oils and essences. Candle magic and colors and just got into music as part of my rituals. Some of my favorites are Enya and Loreena McKennitt.

Here to help if you need and if I have no answer, I will do my best to get it for you.

Oh, I live in Kentucky and currently am seeking a coven in the physical sense but the ones around me are not of like mind.

46 female whose grandmother was a witch and mother a fortune teller. She would tell fortunes in our living room for friends and neighbors. She was amazing and so intuitive. I feel I inherited those gifts and abilities and am blessed.

Want to know more, give me a holler.

Be well.

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 38
Greetings to you all.
You may call me Zero or Chii, whichever you prefer.
I'm very interested in healing and elemental magic.

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 39
hello im knight shade, this is my magicians name given to me by lilith and i value it greatly, I am a dark templar , whose sole duyty is to gather knowledge and uphold and protect the old way. I am a warrior 1st that trains in tae kwon doe, elemental kung fu, and weapons, i also enjoy meditation and energy excersizes. In magic I like to study chaos magic energy manipulation, and shamanism, I enjoy philosophy, mythology, and relegious and spiritual texts. I love to read prophecys from around the world and through out history. i also like aliens and dietys, and alternate history theory
if you have any questions feel free to ask

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 40
Hello I am(as you can see) SomnisFracta. My name means Broken dreams. I am who I am. I have studied for a bit. I am no where near a master at anything, I am in fact closer to beginning now then when I actually begun because so many doors have become open to me. My learning habits are chaotic, I often move to another subject before I get too far into the previous one. Although this allows me to learn many things in a short span of time, it in fact means I may in fact not have as advanced knowledge in any subject.

Indeed Above is part of my bio, but I felt that it would good enough for an introduction. I'm happy to be in this coven, and I hope I can learn much from it's members. I have my own path, and I don't worship any particular deities. None the less, this does not mean that I will not participate in topics of higher beings, for while I may not believe necessarily in them, I do however know many of the 'theories' and can thus help someone with their own belief.

I don't particularly practice any specific type of magick, as stated above, my practice is quite chaotic. I am willing to help anyone in any way I can, so if you need help you can always mail me. Thank you for accepting me into the coven.

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 41

Well Merry Meet Everyone! You can just call me Rose :) Well I have been studying/practicing for a small amount of time and yes I am underage! but I have a mentor so it's good :) :P Well anyways, I am serious when it comes to knowledge and learning but other than that, I am a good guy to talk to no matter what situation. If you wish to know anything else about me, feel free to visit my bio or ask question and I will honestly answer them. Thanks for your time ;)


Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 42
Hey, everyone. People call me Wicca, but my magickal name is Nachterne, and I go by either of those. Some have called me 3D. I've been practicing for 3-4 months now, and I'm a quick study and a fast learner. I'm new to the coven and sort-of new to the site. My primary focus is Celtic/Druidic studies, but I utilize wiccan-like spellcasting, and lean some on Native American Shamanistic practices. I am what they call eclectic. Anything else I can answer, let me know.

Re: Re-Introduce Yourself
Post # 43

Personal: I am 23 years old live with my partner of 2 years. We moved to ottawa for work, I work in the medical field I'm a billing Administrative assistant.

Magical: I have studied dianic tradition, and some green witchcraft.. I do the sabbats in the community and I usually do moon rites latly not so much.. I took a course on basic circle casting . I go to a pagan campsite called Raven's Knollfor events and rituals.

as a child I saw things like I knew my grandpa died when I was 5 because I visualised him laying and a golden cross.. of course my parents are christian so didnt say anything. I had a hard time, thought I killed him.. thats when my white tiger came.. she tried to comfort me . finally she decided the best was to help me was to go get grandpa to talk to me.. so he invaded my dreams on and off until I understood it was not my fault and after that I have been haunted once by a female ghost she was telling me how she died by showing . My tigers been with me ever since

if you have any more questions let me know

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