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You pick the subject...
Post # 1
I'm not sure how to start this, so I'll just plunge in...

I was doing some research on the net a bit ago, and that's how I came across this site. I had tried to join a forum on msn this last winter (my husband thought I might enjoy the interaction) and that was a mess...msn mess.

Several years ago when we moved here to Nevada I made new friends. One of whom was a witch as well. It was the first time since I was a teenager that I has someone to talk with about magick. She was a healer and an earth witch like myself (I'm not a healer though). I miss her and being able to have 'chats', they were always fun :-)

I was taught the hard way you don't talk about "it", and by 16 1/2 you didn't tell people what you saw (I was born 'seeing' things in my dreams). That last one was a lesson hard won. I didn't want them, and would do about anything to make them go away...especially drink.

My girlfriend, kat, touched my arm and knew what I could do, looked me in the eye and said it. I went deathly still. I was waiting for the punisment. It never came. She smiled at me and sat me down and had a long chat...(good memeries)

Things are different today then when I grew up. A lot more infor to be found via the net, as well as easier to obtain books. People talked more openly about it and kat helped me into the 21st century.

But...I still have the "To know, To will, To be silent" in me.

I wrote this because of reading, "Silly spells" by midge. She is correct...and yes, some of you as well...but it makes it hard on someone like me who is trying to come out of the closet, as it were.

Silly spells are fine, life isn't much fun without a sense of humor :-) But I worry, maybe needlessly, but I still do. There are so many of you out there that don't know what to do, or even doing, and I would hate for you or someone else to get hurt by accident.

I like that their are people out there willing to help you learn, thats really importain...but, I'm wondering how many of you really what to learn?

Is this just a goof off site? If so, my apologies, and I'll leave. Or is it a balance of fun and learning? Even I have questions now and then...

...Green Eyes

*Your Only Limitation is Your Imagination*
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Re: You pick the subject...
Post # 2
Most people who post here are young. So naturally most posts have bad grammer or are silly.

It's not so much a lack of wanting to learn, it's not knowing any better.
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Re: You pick the subject...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I agree with you green eyes. I understand where you are coming from because some of my greatest teachers learned as you did. I was fortunate enough to come along when it was easier to be open but as always there will be those who look at you funny. I hope you have more wisdom to bestow upon us. :)
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