Crystal Ball Gazing

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Crystal Ball Gazing
Post # 1
1. Before you use your ball, make sure that it is clean and dust/fingerprint free. Wiping with a damp, soft cloth. If you ball is new, it is important to cleanse it making sure it's free from negative energies -
Smudging - sage, frankencense, sandalwood. Simply pass your ball through the smoke of the incense/smudge stick, let the smoke carry away any unwanted energies until you feel it's cleansed.
Sun/Moon - place your ball on a window ledge or somewhere safe outside, leave for 24 hrs. to absorb the energy of the sun/moon.

Preparing your Space

Burn some incense and candles if you wish. Ground and center yourself, this is important, then allow your energy to flow outward encircling you and your ball.
Cast a circle, place your ball on its stand or a table at a comfortable height.


1. Meditate on your purpose.
2. Sit cross-legged or in a comfortable position, relax and place your hands on the ball allowing your energy to flow into it.
3. Visualize your question, or ask it aloud if you prefer.
4. Remove your hands from the ball, stare deeply into the ball allowing your eyes to become unfocused slightly.
5. You will see a mist forming in the ball' allow the mist to grow and fill the ball.
6. Visualize the mist clearing, allowing the images to flow within the ball.
7. Let the images flow to you, taking you to wherever they choose.
8. Do not concentrate too hard on the images - just let them affirm what they mean.
9. Visualize the mist coming back into the ball.
10. Thank your ball and place it into its protective cloth and putting it somewhere safe.
11. Close your circle.

Never force a reading if you're not feeling up to it or in the mood. Best done in a dimly lit room, you can burn incense, light candles, play soft music, etc. Making sure that you will not be disturbed.

I will be posting the "Color Meanings in Your Ball" shortly.

Re: Crystal Ball Gazing
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Thank you for posting this Pwalls.

Re: Crystal Ball Gazing
Post # 3
I've never been past step 5. Whenever i start to see mist in it, i just freeze up and it go's away. Nice post pwalls, very helpful.

Re: Crystal Ball Gazing
Post # 4

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