The Witches Affirmation

CovenDivine Spirits ► The Witches Affirmation
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The Witches Affirmation
Post # 1
Witches Affirmation

A witch is...

One who has power over her/his own life
One who makes his/her own rules, but can abide by the rules of Nature
One who refuses to submit to self-denial
One who recognizes no authority with greater esteem than her/his own, who is loyal to self
One who is untamed and tamed
One who transforms energy for the good of all
One who can be passionate about her/his ideals and values as they are changing
One who is explosive, whose intensity is like volcanoes, floods, winds, and fire
One who is disorderly and orderly
One who is ecstatic
One who alters reality
One who says, "I am a witch" aloud three times

"I am a witch"
"I am a witch"
"I am a witch

Re: The Witches Affirmation
Post # 2
excellent post, at least i know there are witches who understand why they have these gifts and not use them for harm and discord.

We need to use our powers for betterment of everyone around us, we should have a global earthday when we spread our energy accross the earth and repair nature.

Re: The Witches Affirmation
Post # 3
I can especially relate to the explosive part. LOL

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