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Re: Demons
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Dogma created the "evil" demon people see today.

Re: Demons
Post # 12
"It doesnt matter if there was a few good demons, the point is demons are created from darkness, they are darkness, and darkness is evil and feeds off of death and despair, hence all demons are evil. Maybe if you think about it in a smart way the old ones told us demons were evil for a reason THEIR EVIL!!!"

First off I would like everyone to know that the individual whom just replied to my post (mewmew1100) is not me. She may have used my image as well as my old users (mewmew0101 and mewmew1010), but she is ***not*** me. Anyone who knew the real mew knew she always stood up for demons, and never called them evil.

Second off, I was not talking about "a few good demons" I was talking about *all* demons. They are about as evil as you or me. Also, anyone whom actually read my post would see where I said demons have a balance of light and dark in them, a balance which contains more dark than light. Now, just because they have more darkness in them, does not mean that they are "created from darkness" or "are darkness", they simply have more within them compared to light. Now then, as to the statement that "darkness is evil and feeds off of death and despair", this is not only wrong, it is ignorance based upon dogma. You are allowing the light=good, dark=evil idea to consume you, and to pervent you from moving on in your life. I do not think you realize that in the oldest places where we are one with the earth and the Goddess (taking your position for the moment honey) that it is within caves. I myself feel very close to the earth and at piece when within a cave and they are considered to be the "womb of the Goddess". Last time I checked a cave is a dark place, yet it is not evil to anyone who doesn't fear bats and enclosed spaces. It is just a place as any other, yet it is a place of beauty. Darkness is also not evil as it is in the darkness that we find safety. When one wants to hide, you hide in shadows and darkness rather than light. The light of the sun burns human skin if we are in it for too long, in fact, that is what tanning does, it cooks the skin. So, darkness is actually a form of protection. And therefore, the idea that "hence all demons are evil" is wrong. Not only that, but you earlier said "It doesnt matter if there was a few good demons", which contradicts with the statement "all demons are evil". And as for the last statement, whomever these "old ones" you are talking about, they did not tell "us demons were evil" people who wrote and told us what they think the "old ones" think or say are evil. There is actually no proof no evidence that a god(s)/goddess(es) came down onto the earth and said "all demons are evil". "Maybe if you think about it in a smart way" you are totally off.

^-^ Also, it is wrong to impersonate people in most belief systems I've heard of. ^-^

Re: Demons
Post # 13
Actually, darkness isn't evil. Its a common misconception born from fears of things we don't understand.

And if we want to go further into it, "evil" is a matter of opinion. Changes from person to person.

Re: Demons
Post # 14
^-^ Exactly Never.

Re: Demons
Post # 15
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Comments.

Re: Demons
Post # 16
Actually never you are a little right, people who dont follow the rede think darkness is good, but that isnt true, i have learned, that darkness is evil and light is good. And said demons arent a balance of light and dark humans are. Ask your crones if you dont beleive me for i am only one crone out of dozens.

Re: Demons
Post # 17
What I know of demons, they can be evil. They are also very hard to trust... They do sometimes make good protectors. But what I believe of demons is that they are made up of negative energy, making them more dark and gloomy then another. But I also think there are many different levels and types of demons...just like everything else. I don't know much about them, but there is my opinion so far.

Re: Demons
Post # 18
"Actually never you are a little right, people who dont follow the rede think darkness is good, but that isnt true, i have learned, that darkness is evil and light is good. And said demons arent a balance of light and dark humans are. Ask your crones if you dont beleive me for i am only one crone out of dozens."

First off, in saying that its the "people who don't follow the rede [that] think darkness is good" you point out flaws that are often shown by wiccans. [I am jumping into your mindset of good/light evil/darkness for a bit here.] Without light there can be no dark, without dark there can be no light. And therefore darkness is nessary to the suvival of light and good, which *means* that it isn't all bad if it causes the continuation of what is good. [Back to my own mindset.] You also often see that those who follow the rede love the earth, their mother, and yet a cave, her womb, would be frightening to you because it is dark in a cave. [If you read my previous post there is a *far* more indepth portion of this example.] ^-^ Also, in the shadows we can hide, we have nothing to fear from the light nor from anything else for that matter but what also can hide in the shadows. The light reveals, the light burns [as was stated in my last post, I am beginning to wonder if you bothered reading it or just read the first post. Lol.] . Light is not always good, light destroys, as can darkness. As for the balance part, I like to think of it as a balance. It is not a balance in the equal defintion, but it is a balance in that they have both parts (dark and light) contained within them. Also, humans aren't always balanced creatures, I myself have been told I have too much dark in me and there is another individual on SoM who has too much light in them. Lol. Humans are usually balanced [I swear human is what I am and will be until I die and after that maybe a cat or something. Lol.] , but that doesn't mean that they are *always* balanced.

Re: Demons
Post # 19
"What I know of demons, they can be evil. They are also very hard to trust... They do sometimes make good protectors. But what I believe of demons is that they are made up of negative energy, making them more dark and gloomy then another. But I also think there are many different levels and types of demons...just like everything else. I don't know much about them, but there is my opinion so far. "

Other than the "made up of negative energy part" you are correct. ^-^ But as I have said previously, light and darkness does not equate to good and evil and now I add positive and negative to that. Darkness is as positive and negative as light is. The light can burn and protect, the dark can smother and protect. It is really based on whether you allow superstition and dogma to control you and your mind or free yourself so that you can come to a better understanding, a closer understanding to the way the world is. It is a *lot* easier to call things black and white rather than as different shades of grey. It is easier because it categorizes the world, it allows us to "blame the bad guy", and it fits in with what we have been raised to think. ^-^ Open your mind and you will change and grow. Keep it closed and you are limiting yourself.

[Forgive me anyone whom I have offended with this, this is simply my opinion as to the reasons why people choose the good and evil, positive and negative, as light and darkness, white and black, view of the world.]

Re: Demons
Post # 20
I didn't say darkness was good. I said it wasn't bad.

People are afraid of the dark, because it is the embodiment of their deepest fears of both the unknown, and themselves. Many people would rather call it "bad and evil" than actually have to face themselves or admitt and accept there are things they aren't meant to understand.

You need both. Light and Dark. Both can heal, both can kill. The "Rede" has nothing to do with this as Wicca is not the only path, nor the correct path. Simply a path that is what some folks need.

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