breast growth spells???

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Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 16
Breasts have muscles like anything else. Try exercising them (sorry for spelling). I flex and try to move them. or push them out. its an eventual process but it works!

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 17
There is also an herb called fenugreek that can help increase the size of your breasts. Make sure to check with a professional first. I do believe it is safe though, you can also use it to increase breast milk after having a baby :)

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 18
Im not going to do it lol but does this spell work for males? XD

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 19

no such thing

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 20
hey this spell can help you but i would leave it on over night for the spell to mature and in the morning wash it off

ingredients: dirt, water, bowl

Put the water in the bowl and sprinkle in the dirt while repeating the following:

Create a mud, a sticky mess,
In its purpose I must confess,
To grow and swell and not depress,
All that seeks to fill a dress.
You will need as much dirt to make a thick mud in the bowl. Once you have the mud (stir it while you sprinkle in dirt as needed) the magical mud is complete, and anyone who spreads the mud on their chest will have their breasts grow.

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 21
you look just fine the way you are. don't even worry about it. just because most guys are always picky on stuff like that doesn't mean that all of them are. a person beauty always comes from the inside. if you can really sense energies and emotions pulling you towards him, then there's definitely nothing to worry about concerning the outside.

go get him girl!! good luck

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 22

@ Avoius: Binge drinking of tea can also lead to kidney stones.

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 23
Hey, girl, I have the same problem as you. I was looking on google for a spell to let your breasts increase and then I came on this forumpage. I found 2 spells on the same website. there's a list of growing spells, which contains 2 breast growth spells. I trust the first breast growth spell less than the other.
I know how you feel. I'm beautiful they say and my best friend is too. but because she has big breasts boys like her more than me. There are many who want me but I don't want them. And when I finally like a boy, he doesn't want me. It's a lot easier with my best friend and sometimes I think it's because she has breasts and big ones. Me I have like nothing and I'm 16. When I was younger I thought they would finally become bigger when I would be 16 but it has not become much better. I am really insecure. I talked to my mom about it. She says she had not much more than me until she became pregnant when she was 30. That means I will never have a normal size of breasts which made me more insecure. Babe, do whatever you can to make them grow. Drink thee, massage them especially the underside, drink smoothies and use magical force. I gave you 2 spells, use them good. It will not work if you think it will not work. Use much positivity, much hope, much believe, much willpower, even obsession. It's proven that strong thoughts can make changes to your body. Positive thoughts. There are people in the world who once removed cancer by positive thoughts. Stay strong.

Re: breast growth spells???
Post # 24
I am 15 and want boob growth too. 5 years ago I had kidney cancer Wilma tumor, which is more common in young children, but because I was 10, my boobs stated growing , but the treatments damaged my ovaries to where they can't produce enough hormones to be able to have a period, or even grow my boobs. I'm taking hormonal medication in order to replace what I don't have. It's been almost 2 years taking the medications, and they've only grown a little. I was told by the doctor that I may have to say on it until my menstral cycles decline with age, which is normally 40 or so. Many of my eggs were killed by the treatments. I want to be able to grow boobs so I can support for a family intge future. I know where we stand are different, but our objective lay the same. If it takes you to grow bigger breasts in order to get the attention of a boy, then he's not worth your time. A person who you'll find yourself with for the rest of your life will love you for who you are, not your cup size. But also if anyone can be so kind into recommending spells that work for my predicament, I'll be gratefully. Thank you for reading this long text.

Re: breast growth spells???
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 25

I am so sorry about your situation, you have gone through a lot at such a young age.

Unfortunately though, no spells for breast growth will work, because breast development is controlled by a lot of factors:

  • Genetics
  • Weight
  • Medical conditions.

You have to remember that you are only fifteen, you are still growing and breast can still develop till around 18 sometimes even longer, you still have plenty of time to grow.

I am assuming that by saying that you want breasts so you can support a family in the future means you are worried about being able to feed children in the future?
Please correct me if I am wrong.

If so then you don't need to worry, breast size should not affect your ability to care for babies/children in the future, many women have very small breasts naturally and it won't affect their breast feeding capabilities.

I know it is very cliche to say, but you are very young and as we age we learn to love the bodies we have, and feel more comfortable in our own skin.

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