Demon Exorsicm

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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 81
From what ive come to learn from my studies and from those whom i know that are being coming biblical scholars and some priest of various religions. Only the most experienced should perform an exorcism. You have to know what your dealing with. Its strength and what it wants. Which can only be gained by addressing the trespassing spirit and unless you ready to deal with it at that moment will make things worse. Id reccomend going to a priest or high priest of a religion such as santeria or voodoo ect. Because they will work with the boy immediately. The Catholic church is hard to convince of possession and the process of getting an exorcism done takes alot of time. An exorcism also does not guarantee success sometimes it can just make the spirit mad and everything gets worse.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 82
Yeah Catholic Church doesn't want to get much involved since the Michell case.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
By: / Novice
Post # 83
I have to agree with Hecate1 on this. Demon Possesion is something that doesn't happen too easily or just for no reason. The problem is Hollywood plays and adds their "magick" to the ways of the witch. For example I had a friend who did have a ghost in the house, a childs ghost. There was a piesce of paper that supposedly had three 6's written across it. She brought it to me and first thing looking at it was they weren't 6's, but 9's. On top of that they didn't represent anything evil as they thought, but was the ghost childs birthdate. The thought they had Damien in their house. People tend to let their imaginations run away with them and as Hecate1 said this could cause more problems than good. In the ten some years I have been practicing the craft I came across only one minor demon that was called up by my roomate and went away just as fast. I mostly only have to deal with spirits and those are usually dealt with easily enough.
Now with this child he's about twelve or so. Hormones my friends hormones. I had times when my parents said I was possesesed The key word in this problem is that she thinks, but is not positive that it is a demon. We also need to think about what demons are. Sometimes a demonic possesion is not a physical demon from the depths of hell, but a "demon" that causes them to act out due to a lot of negativity or anger. I like Hecates eggshell and rue bath with prayers. I would also burn Dragon Blood in the house with the windows open while burning a white candle to send negativity on it's way. Try to have the whole family in the house if they are good with this and while the incence is burning say Psalms 59, 96, and 97. Then I would pound some red bricks into dust and pour this at the doors leading into your house to prevent anything negative that will seek to harm you in the future for entering. Good luck and brightest blessings.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 84
Demon posession is very very very rare. I mean you gotta better chance of winning the lottery 5 times in a row then you do getting posessed. So the kid if its just bad behavior and talking back is more then likely acting out becuase hes probably starting puberty. But again. If you arent experienced with this and with demons. Dont perform the exorcism yourself youll aggrivate things horrorably
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 85
Just wanted to add to the spiritual bath suggestion...don't let the child soak in it for to long and use a small amount of rue. Some people are sensitive to it and a prolonged bath with any herbs needs to be monitored to see if any adverse reactions happen.

Just my safety tip on the matter.
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