Demon Exorsicm

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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 61
Nevermore, you do know that so called holy water only works through belief for it required to work and it has been programmed to work?
It is the same with anything.
I could programme a crystal to do the same thing and it would be holy, if you get my point?
Sorry if this makes no sense to you, but to me it does..

As for going back to the "my god is better than your god" response, there are Sumerian tablets that Enki has left behind for his followers to translate.
In these tablets leave behind ways to read the stars, which I've recently read that scientists have had to break apart because it was way too complicated for modern day scientists to read.
If God existed, why does he not teach people knowledge other than to live a virteous life?

To the original poster, I highly doubt that this is a demonic posession.
I would suggest that it is just simply a negative spirit playing around.
There is no need for an exorcisim, all that is needed is a banishing ritual, or you can burn sage to clear the area, this would be a more likely option.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 62
I would certainly hope this isn't a fight over the "best" god, that's certainly not my intentions I see it more as an ethical religeous debate, after all I don't
believe anyone has actually expressed superiority of any perticular religeon, although granted I do believe a few mild offences have been thrown around but nothing that I would say is going to aspire the term fight.

Andras do you have a reference to these tablets, from an astrophysicist perspective I find the concept fascinating and have never heard of them, certainly I find it hard to believe that the architecht comunitee would allow the destruction of such an old and rare find mor that a scientist would destroy information that is not currently understood as it when it could be saved or sold for a future reference or great sum of money.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 63
Actually Andras, you're point is my point to an extent.

People put faith, confidence and thus energy into icons, people ect. If 1 billion plus people believe in the healing and magick powers of holy water, that energy becomes attached to it thus making it effective since you are in effect using this collective faith. If there's enough energy in a random crystal, the same would apply.

I don't think you need to belong to the same faith to have their rituals work, simply have the understanding that they work due to the collective consciousness behind them.

As far as your comment of what Enki has left behind or if God exsists why does he not do this or that...again...I refer to my belief of the collective conscious creating these beings.
Is Enki ancient? Yes. He is also not physical, simply energy and grows more in energy as more people put their faith into him and what they believe he is capable of. The same goes for the Christian god or anyother. If Christians whole heartedly believe their god will not give them an easy way out and ask them to find out for themselves, that collective conscious and thus energy is programed to do exactly that and nothing more.

As with anything, it comes down to faith. Faith in your god, faith in other peoples god, ect. Doesn't make anyone right or wrong in their beliefs.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 64
Ameena, just like Nevermore said, holy water is a great tool for banishment/exorcism and protection.

It's water+salt+faith (I guess some add more stuff but basically it's w+s+f). A good combo. Try it, it won't do harm.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 65
''I love how he skipped over ''All versions were created by humans...'' part and went after me because of his misconception.''

yeah. all version were created by humans. BUT, i am not the one who love to read those books and believe in it. furthermore, Anton Lavey is a Jew. Laveyan Satanism give a bad name to all branch of satanism.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 66
Blue_Loki you keep insinuating a dislike in all religions (giving the impression) other than your own, as I asked earlier, what is your religion/branch? It would dramatically help others, including myself, in understanding your views.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 67
Sorry for the double post I just noticed Wudang's post on holy water, is that any particular holy water because as far as I am aware and familiar with holy water (or any faiths equivalent) is normally just water that has been blessed by a priest (of which ever faith you like really) I haven't personally encountered the need for salt before, thanks for the information when you get back to me.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 68
Christian holy water is salt+water+blessing. Salt has good protection and banishing characteristics.

Pagans in Greece add thunder water (rain from a specific day of the year) to their holy water. Some add rose water.
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 69
Spiritual Satanist
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Re: Demon Exorsicm
Post # 70
Salt does indeed have good protective capacities but certainly the holy water in the typical (catholic) church font doesn't contain any, most priests believe that the water should be as pure as possible and rarely add anything to it, some will only use natural spring water however many today have moved on to tap water because of it's availability, if you would like holy water such as this then most churches (again at least catholic) normally have a specifictap or reseboir that has been blessed and they allow people to take home, although they get annoyed if you tip it down a sink, it should idealy be poured directly back to the earth and not pass through the sewage system. I don't know if this is the same for other branches of Christianity which may or may not add salt however.
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