Does Magic Always Work?

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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
By: / Adept
Post # 5
Just for clarity: As with anything anyone says - and certainly anything i may say too - take from it what you want, discard what you don't, revise, and question everything. My opinions on magic: what it is, how it works, and where it comes from, are purely opinions. I know no more than anyone else, and certainly i don't have the "inside scoop" on how the universe works.

That being said, i use the term God because that is my comfort level. You can substitute your own descriptor to make it more to your tastes: Pagan, more Goddess-friendly, more general or inclusive, or even use secular terms like "My Higher Self" or "The Universe." It doesn't have to be about religion at all, and anyone who feels that way isn't taking what i'm saying in the spirit it was given.

Also, being an expression of my opinion and no one else's, my "theories" work for me because - for me - God and magic are inseparable, completely interwined with all edges blurred together. That's where i'm coming from. Other opinions or viewpoints - especially ones "at odds" with mine - are encouraged. Kind thanks for the exchange.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
By: / Adept
Post # 6
Sorry for the double-post, but i'm always hungry for good conversation. Thanks!

Maybe i wasn't clear, but i don't beleive magic is all in the mind at all. I actually am quite turned off every time i see someone give that "advice." I do think there are whole systems of magic that rely entirely on energywork and the power of intention. I know they exist and i use various mental/energetic techniques every day.

Setting those aside for a sec, other types of magic, namely natural magic or "folk" magic, rely almost entirely on the inherent spiritual powers of natural allies such as herbs, roots, bones, flowers, minerals, woods, and other man-made curios such as amulets, talismans, and various lucky charms. Since the dawn of time people have been relying on these items of power to do their work for them, no belief or prayer or ritual or magic necessary.

Now, does prayer work if you don't believe in a Higher Power? And to use my theory that magic and prayer are intertwined, then where does that leave your magic if you don't believe in God?

That's a good question, and for me to answer it would be full-on speculation. In my opinion, people don't pray for God's good - God doesn't care (i don't think ;-) - people pray for their own good, to clear their thoughts like meditation and to be quietly open to the still, small vioce within. Therefore, i think prayer is a fine practice for personal growth - belief in God not necessary. Though, you'd probably call it meditation versus prayer, but that's mere semantics. Ok, enough for now. Maybe someone can be more eloquent.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
I agree with you LdyGry. We all have our own unique views on what magic and the "powers at be" interaction is. I believe no two creatures no matter how close they are to believing the same things, will never believe/agree on everything. We all split of at some point and we become the only one on the path of belief and it can lead anywhere.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
Post # 8
Excellent post, LdyGry. Spoken like a true veteran practitioner. I agree totally. As far as "failed spells", if we put as much thought into how to fix the situation without magic as we do on which spell to use, we would use far fewer spells, and have a much higher success rate. I find that I rarely have to use a spell to change a situation. Most of the time with reflection, meditation, common sense and (gasp!) humility, we can resolve issues on our own. There are those times, however, when magic is necessary. These are the times that really require the above. If you reflected and meditated on your problem, and have exhausted every option, not only do you have more of an idea of how to proceed, I believe that you will see better results. Especially when working with spirits. Just My 2cents.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
Post # 9
Would a positive reading for spellwork increase the chances of magic working, especially when you see a sign within 3 days?

So many people are jumping into work without having a reading or divination, thats why a lot of people also tend to fail in their work I believe.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
By: / Adept
Post # 10
nenetwork: yes, i think a positive reading is always a good sign. I don't think it influences the spell; rather i think it is a statement about the overall conditions affecting the work before, during, and after the actual casting.

Every good professional rootworker or magic practitioner will do some sort of divination before undertaking magical work. It's just a natural first step that saves you a lot of effort and heartache if things are just not meant to be.
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
Post # 11
I have not yet tried divination myself, I do intend to learn because of the reasons you have given, more often than not I used to try and crack a nut with a sledgehammer lol
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
Post # 12
You know to some people thinks magic seems "too good to be true" because many people that i've met have an inflated idea about the practice of magic from the perspective of movies or tv shows -- but in actuality, i learned that magic is not a cure-all for problems. Instead i learned it is a way of working with subtle energies, with the natural virtues of plants and stones, with spirits, and things in that nature.

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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
Post # 13
Anywho, Perfect work! LdyGry ^_^! i love it!
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Re: Does Magic Always Work?
By: / Adept
Post # 14
Not to be self-aggrandizing, but recently i've seen many questions on the forums regarding the subject of this post, so i'm going to bump it up for any further reading and discussion.

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