Positive thinking

CovenDarkness Rising ► Positive thinking
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Positive thinking
Post # 1
how many times have you said, ''i cant do that'', ''i wont make the grade'', ''im lousy at spanish'' or other negative comments about yourself and the future? Every time you think negativley and say nagative stuff, you are planning a negative future for yourself. For the next week, remove ALL negative words about yourself from your thinking process and don't say anything negative about your future aloud. To help stop this bad habit, think of a silly keyword, like ''banana'' a magick word like ''abracadabra'' or a power word like ''Isis'' or the simple statement ''Cancel that''. When the negative thought comes, yell your keyword out loud if you have to!. You'll be suprised how much your life changes in just one week. Now stretch this practice to two weeks, then three. It,s amazing just how powerfull your mind can be.

Blessed be sue x

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