Empath Info

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Re: Empath Info
Post # 21
Although everyone have the ability, I think we refer to certain people as being empaths because they are more in touch with that ability than those who are not called empaths, although everyone have the ability.

And I'm experiencing the same things that Anaid said.
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 22
Funny, I didn't see anyone by that name replying in this thread.

Oh well...

Alright, what you mean by this sounds like you're saying that it is referred to as a certain special ability only when it is stronger in a person. Maybe I should reword this a bit differently, it isn't any kind of special ability dealing with magick or divination, it is an intellectual thing. You know, using the brain power. Empathic is an adjective describing someone who can look at it in other perspectives, walk in somone else's shoes etc...

Those who are usually referred to as empaths (true phenomena dealing with emotions) are using other abilities and calling it the wrong word. They are misinformed.

My point is simple, empathy has nothing to do with divination. It's a naturally learned mental capability.
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 23
how do u now if u are Empath
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 24
Oh boy.

Can you imagine how someone would feel if they got their favorite elephant stolen?

If so, you are most likely empathic. O_O -_-
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 25
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 26
LadySnow, the person is witchSJT post #18

If you read my post again, you'll see that I didn't say that is was a special ability in some people and therefore they are called empaths. I said that everyone have the ability, but if they use that ability, we refer to them as empaths.

Practical example:
everyone have the ability to sing, yet not all of us are called singers. Just those who use their singing ability are called singers like Cher for example.
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 27
I don't find it fun I find it tiring. I also feel that being a Empath is the reason my mom is bipolar, she honestly doesn't believe in empaths but I can see her take on other peoples emotions. If someone is hurt or sad, she takes on there emotions. It is very tiring both working with her and then feeling the same thing, it's kind of like being hit from 5 and 6 different sides. I mentioned in another forum that when you walk into a party it is like swimming through emotion. A persons anxiety of crowds brushes you then your hit with excitment, next worry from someone else! It is like ~GAH~ where did all this come from but at the same time it makes me curious and want to ask why are you anxious, or why are you so worried and yet smile at the person who is excited.
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 28
Empath is a tricky word because it means so many different things to different people.

Empathy is a continuem because human thought exists only in short term stream of consciousness. True telepathy does not exist by the human concept. What can be read is INTENT and INTENT is a type of emotion. I intend you harm, I intend you affection or to do something nice for you. I intend to try to kill you. That is the form human thought takes. The rest is too fleeting to pick up.

Now the ability to read the subconscious and unconscious motivations and intents is not something that just any person can do. Most people cannot do that for themselves--our minds defend against them (and to back up here, I have a BA in psychology, pre-counseling where I studied psychoanalysis and humanistic methods extensively). It usually takes a lot of therapy and training for a person to become more self aware regarding their subsconscious and unconscious motivations.

Gifted empaths can pick up on those lower level motivations, the stuff that the person cannot pick up themselves. I am not just talking about paralinguistics that we do not observe in ourselves that just any person watching will see, but in the subtle mental subtexts that give away the unconscious material.

As a gifted empath (to distinguish for what others are calling universal), I can and do pick up on these other signals all the time--and react to it most of the time. I cringe at the subtexts I get from people psychically. It hurts me emotionally a lot of the time. I know another empath, a dear friend of mine, who cannot tolerate living in cities. I live in a city of millions--largely so I can have 24 hour public transit. I was blinded in a traffic accident in 8th grade.

No doubt some of my extra sensitivity is due to my blindness.

I would welcome some empath friends, those who can relate. It is hard to be this sensitive all the time. I live in a very crowded place with a lot of people. Hard on my mind at times. But I need my subway and commuter rail. Life is easier when you can be independent.
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 29
I found this article extremely useful , to help educate myself about well , myself ,:P But it it normal to be very highly sensitive to emotions but be at a loss of words to name the emotions , when overwhelmed ? I hope that made sense :P
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Re: Empath Info
Post # 30
I am an empath and somewhat highly tuned. Hugely depressed when I was younger because my mom was very verbally abusive and I have always been very expressive. She held all of the energy she collected while I NEVER hold any. That's what helps is to release the energy so its not destructive. People hate me being blunt at times but I consider that their issue because I am always careful to harm none.

As far as readings and if better to be physically close well I think it depends but for me no I read quite well from the way you talk
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