??? New Member???

CovenDivine Spirits ► ??? New Member???
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??? New Member???
Post # 1
I've been trying to delve deep into my senses. To travel within and find the source of my power. I guess i'm not meditating in the right format. Several psychics have told me I already posses some great innate force and that i'm about to embark on a journey. I must admit I have been feeling different lately. I tried to do an OBE last night not realizing it. I was trying to push my mind beyond my physical senses. I didn't have much luck though. I really need help with many things. I feel as though If I can find myself I can find my true place in the coven and the universe and really be of help and a stimulating factor for growth. as far as I know I am alone (physically) where I reside in Mississippi. I know the spirits are amongst me I just don't know how to communicate with them. I sahll not give up in my efforts though. I feel they will come to my aid. Especially with that that lies before me.

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