Making your Wiccan Name..

CovenBaron La Croix ► Making your Wiccan Name..
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Making your Wiccan Name..
Post # 1
When I first started, I was unsure on names and how to create one for myself. As like most that just started I didnt have access to many people to help me or even any books,lol. So I am posting this to maybe help someone else. I am using an excerpt from Buckey's Guide aka Big Blue.


1) Find your Birth Number by adding the digits of
your date of birth, e.g. If you were born June 23rd
1956, your number would be
6.23.1956 = 6+2+3+1+9+5+6 = 32 Bring
that down to a single digit: 3 + 2 = 5 Then 5 is
your Birth Number. Note: Be sure to include the
"19" of the year (1956). There are still people
alive who were born in the late 1800's and it won't
be long before we are into the 2000's, so it is
2) Find the Name Number of the name you have
This is done by equating all the letters of the
alphabet with the first nine numbers:

A , J , S = 1

B , K , T = 2

C , L , U = 3

D , M , V = 4

E , N , W = 5

F , O , X = 6

G , P , Y = 7

H , Q , Z = 8

I , R = 9

Suppose you like the name DIANA. Using the
above chart, D = 4,1 = 9, A = 1, N = 5, and A = 1.
Therefore DIANA = 4+9+1 + 5+1 = 20 = 2.Butyour
Birth Number was 5. For your Witch Name you should
aim for a name that matches your Birth Number. In the
above example, you could do this by adding a "3" letter
to DIANA: a C, L or U. So you could have, perhaps,
DICANA, DILANA OR DIANAU, all of which would
then add up to 5. If you don't care for any of those,
think again of another possible name and check it
It may take a while to find a name, or choice of
names, that you like and that are numerologically correct,
but it is well worth it. Perhaps the best method is to get
an assortment of appropriate letters and keep
rearranging them until you hit an attractive combination
(from the above "Diana" example, NAUDIA might be a
Why does the name have to match your Birth
Number? Because your Birth Number is unchanging.
People can change their names, addresses, etc., but
they cannot change their date of birth. By choosing a
new name that matches that Birth Number, you are
then aligning yourself with that same vibration; the
vibration of the moment you chose to be born.
As I mentioned above, there are several different
systems of numerology. This is probably the most
popular and, I have found, the most accurate. But if
you feel more comfortable with a different system,
then use it. The important thing is, whichever system
you use, attune your new name to your Birth Number.

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