My personal journey

CovenFirst Path ► My personal journey
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My personal journey
Post # 1
I had something interesting happen tonight.... You know the Kaballic pathworking?

I went through the first of the dark paths tonight without knowing it.... I was with Starrie and I told her what was happening and she told me thats what it was.

There are 3 dark paths in the pathworking from what she said....

It is gonna be a bumpy few weeks for me....

I had a vision of a stone tablet then a black rose then a few hooded figures over the tablet with the rose on their robes

Then I had a goat with a jewelled mask greet me

Then I was in some catacombs with everything bright except one path which was dark so I followed that

Then I was greeted by a Spanish conquistador

He said to follow him but I heard in my mind ''stay in the dark''

He kept going and he went into some light and changed into the grim reaper

I kept going along the dark path and came to a room with a mirror

In the mirror was myself but not what I show... It was the true me

I had the urge to smash the mirror but instead I walked into the mirror where I met the goat again

He said I am your darker side as you are my lighter side... together we are one

Then we merged and that is where it ended

It was amazing yet terrifying all at the same time.

If you would like, please comment... I have more to add later on... I would like you guys to be as much a part of this as me.... If you have any questions, I am going to be doing a bit of research on this topic so please ask ^_^

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