
CovenDivine Spirits ► moving
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Post # 1
i am moving to a new and i have to leave all my friends behind can anyone help me find a spell that well get me to make new friends

Re: moving
Post # 2
I have always found that simply being yourself will make you all the true friends you shall ever need.

Re: moving
Post # 3
ok thz lol

Re: moving
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Well, what AdeptNyph said is absolutely true...

but you can still attract friend to approach you!
It's not a spell it's more of an excercise.
Light a yellow candle, and breathe calmly and deeply.
Focus on the candles flame while you meditate and start just radiating the energy out of you. Of course, before you meditate, repeat a few times why is it you are meditating.
You are meditating to attract new people in your life. Good people. Good friends!
The energy that you will be radiating, will attract those friends and maybe even a witch friend.

Re: moving
Post # 5
if you have a pentacle, charge and bless it with your own personal energy, and you will attract people to yourself. Also, just be yourself, try what Brim said and I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya ^_~

Re: moving
Post # 6
ok thz

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