Reading the Bones

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Reading the Bones
Post # 1

Four bones are needed for this version of bone divination, based on the African divinatory system. The set of bones are called Bula the means 'to speak' or 'the word'. Thefour bones are simplified shapes separately denoting strength, endurance, adversity and triviality. Each has its own name and particular character, which influences the meaning inferred from the position in which it falls.


Thola is the name of the fat bone. its more generous proportions represent both the weighty presence it brings to the reading and a hidden strength, which may not be evident at first, in some aspect of the problem addressed or its solution. Thola has a friendly and realxed nature. It lends a positive aspect to the reading especially in conjunction with Cohado.


Cohado is the name of the long bone. Its length, in comparison with the other bones, along with its strength denote a powerful vein of endurance which can shine through the basic message of any particular reading. Cohado implies a longer term apporoach to life and wields more authority over a reading, especially when it qappears in conjunction with the influential Thola. Cohado can often lessen the negative influence of the caustionary elements of a reading dictated by Scita.


The name of the broken bone is Scita. The fractured nature of this bone is in line with its tendency to indicate possible problems and areas of concern in life or impending worry. Scita is at its strongest and there by most negative when Thola and Chado, indicators of stability, each point to different segments of the Casting Map from Scita. If the feeble bone, Imbay, points to the same segment as Scita it tends to reinforce the negative aspect of the reading, giving more cause for concern.


The name of the small bone is Imbay. This is the smallest and the least powerful of the bones. As its size suggests it deals with the more lightweight and transitory aspects of the reading. It is often used as a modifier, lending authority to other bones when they point to the same segment. If there is any doubt about the nature of the reading, Imbay can take on a refining role, acting as the focus in an otherwise unclear reading.


The Casting Map is split into the three sections of representing Earth, Plant and Animal. These reflect the most basic components of life as perceived by the ancient tribal cultures that first used bone for divination.


The Earth segment of the Casting Map embodies the deep fundamentals of life, the basics such as love, hate, trust and deceit which are perpetual aspects of our natures. Because of its association with the deeper components of human nature, Earth tends to deal in longer time frames, both of problems and their solutions


The Plant segment of the Casting Map is concerned with more medium term aspects of life, activities that go on through life but which can change as life evolves, such as work, health, financial concerns and intellectual development. Family relationships can fall into this category as well. The emotional cast of Plant is in contemplation or brooding, growth and planning for the foreseeable future.


The Animal segemtn represents vibrancy, aspiration, action and vitality. The relatively short lives of animals reflect a transitory nature, representing more immediate concerns such as ambition, possessions and travel. The anxiousness of a Animal elements often blind the individual to the more important but less urgent concerns of Plant and Earth.


Spread the casting Map out flat on the ground. Bare Earth is the most powerful foundation for casting the bones because it tends to add an elemental quality to your reading; howeever, any solid floor will be adequate. Flatten out the creases, but do not iron it flat. The developing character of the Casting Map represents the breadth of the experience conneted with it through continued use the ever expanding knowledge which surrounds it enhances the quality of the reading.

Sit before the Casting Map and take each of the four bones in turn. Warm each for a few moments in your hand, suffusing it with your energy and clearing your mind of your own thoughts and worries so that you may concentrate fully on the tast of divination.

The bones are held in an open cupped palm or palms for the Throw Ominis and tossed gently up and down in the hand to mingle their forms and allow their interaction with the tidal forces of the mind. After three or more tosses, the bones shoud be dropeed to scatter around the centre of the Casting Map. The degree of mixing and the method of final release depend on the individual. A wide variety of equally valid styles are possible according to personal preference.

The throw Sinister - with the left hand

The Throw Sinister is used to examine what has been. The bones cast with this throw relate to past events and their interpretation. It examines the extent to which you control the present through your subconscious actions in the past, and seeks to teach lessons for the future through learning how you arrived at the present.

The Throw Omnis - with both hands

The Throw Omnis addresses the present. It takes account of what we are doing now and the motives behind why we are doing it. It sheds light on our current efforts to shape a consciously or uncounsciously planned future.

The Throw Dexter - with the right hand

The Throw Dexter is the most enticing of all; it outlines the thrust of future events which are the consummation of the past and the present. Many people concentrate on The Throw Dexter, but it must be stressed that with out refining your awarenessof the past and the present, through the first two throws, your sensitivity to the future cannot be at its peak and thus valuable insights may be lost.


If two of the thrown bones fall "crossed", with one lying on top of the other, the significance of the reading may be given some degree of amplification. The crossing of bones can show an intensity of vision greater than that of a normal reading. For some configurations this lends a positive aspect, for others it places a more negative light upon the reading.

Thola crossing Cohado

The positive aspect of the fat bone overlays the long term nature of the long bone resulting in a very positive long term prospect. Should your reading suggest that you question where you are, and having done so you feel that some aspect of your life should change, this bone cross lends strength to your conviction and rinforces your decision to change.

Thola crossing Scita

This indicates that the concerened nature of Scita is overshadowed by the calming and more positive influence of Thola. In general this configuration removes any specific bias from the casting and encourages you to follow your own instincts ahead of the dubious advice of others.

Thola crossing Imbay

When Thola falls across Imbay more weight is attributed to the last part of the relevant reading. So you should direct your attention to the final sentences of the text. Where Imbay is normally the least powerful oracular pointer, the final words of this reading may be of equal, or even of greater interest to you then the first.

Cohado crossing Thola

Cohado over Thola amplifies the buoyancy and strength normally associated with these bones. The degree of concern expressed by Scita in the reading is obscured to a greater extent by this crossing of bones than by the mere apperance of the bones in question.

Cohado crossing Scita

Cohado crossing Scita is of very little note since the most positive and most negative influences of the bones are set against eact other and thus cancel each other out. If anything the negative aspect is diminished by this occurrence.

Cohado Crossing Imbay

Where Cohado covers Imbay in crossed bones, the modifying influence of Imbay may be diminished, leaving the reading in a less resolved form. If important decisions are called for, it may be better to recast the bones rather than rely on this fall for direction.

Scita crossing Thola

In this configuration, were Scita Covers the stronger form of Thola with its more nervous nature, be wary of the long term implications of the reading. Thola is normally associated with positive considerations and those occurring in years to come. Scita's overlay reduces this to some degree.

Scita crossing Cohado

Where Scita crosses Cohado an unusual blend of characteristics creates a largely neutral, and if anything positive aura to the reading. This is the result of the cautious nature of Scita being interpreted as a slow, but steady power for moderation and common sense which, when added to the ebullinet nature of Chohado, bodes well for the reading

Scita crossing Imbay

Scita over Imbay is the least positive of all crossed bones. The nature of Scita takes on any modifying strenth vested in the reading by Imbay and should sound a note of caution in all aspects of the oracular interpretation.

Imbay crossing Thola

If Imbay lies across Thola, two alternative modifications are available to the interpreter. The first is the amplification of the modifying role of Imbay if it takes this form in the reading. This can be good or bad depending on its nature in the specific reading. The second is to diminish the positive vibrancy of Thola and place an onus on the interpreter to bring serious consideration of the potential down side of a reading

Imbay crossing Cohado

Imbay over Cohado has little effect on the nature or mood of the reading, since the strength of Cohado in all aspects positive and optimistic can only be enhanced by the superimposition of the more light weight Imbay

Imbay crossing Scita

Imbay over Scita casts a slightly worried pall over the generality of the reading. The modifying nature of Imbay is automatcally connected to Scita and thus any reference in the reading to its association with another bone should be ignored.

Re: Reading the Bones
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
This would be my favorite thing i have ever learned, is the bones.

Re: Reading the Bones
Post # 3
I never learned reading from the bones,thank you so much!

Re: Reading the Bones
Post # 4
This is very new to me, interesting, I'm defiantly going to look into reading bones!

Re: Reading the Bones
Post # 5
This is absolutely fasinating Tank, thank you for posting it up i'll have to study it some more, write it down or something ^_^

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