Spell Growth

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Spell Growth
Post # 1
Is there a grow taller spell or grow muscular spell or something?

Also is there any way to become skinner with doing that stuff since it sounds kind of deathy to me.
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Re: Spell Growth
Post # 2
You can alter your body in those ways, and more (eye color, ect), using biokinisis.
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Re: Spell Growth
Post # 3
how do you do that? (eye color)
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Re: Spell Growth
Post # 4
NEVER attempt biokenesis without training, trust me, if you want to learn, try telekinesis or aerokenesis so you know how to work it.
biokenesis is the most dangerouse type of kenesis so be VERY careful because if you mess up on your first try, you could damage yourself really bad...permently.
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