Gros Bon Ange

CovenFirst Path ► Gros Bon Ange
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Gros Bon Ange
Post # 1
Praise to you whose rays warm the Marassa in their play
Praise to you whose touch is sweet to twins
Praise to you twice blessed with fire and fury

Praise to you grand road of old legba
Praise to you upon whose point legba walks
Praise to you whose light streams through open door

Praise to you who shone upon our ancestors
Praise to you whose light our ancestors walked
Praise to you light all dead once walked

Praise to you in cloak of forty colors
Praise to you in whose fires the sacred names of spirits dance
Praise to you bright eye of the sky loa

Praise to you whose fires warm the waters
Praise to you who walk in brilliance
Praise to you born of the womb of night
Praise to you of grace freely given
Praise to you brightness f the Orient

You are the tounges of flame which speak the Spirit's most Holy Name.
You who unite all in common chorus, Your praise names we sing.
in this and evermore, your tidings we bring.

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