Black magik and karma

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Re: Black magik and karma
Post # 11
nex is correct. karma doesn't always take effect in life. it normally takes effect in death. the Buddhists believe that karma has a profound effect in the afterlife. if you do not find your spiritual being and become enlightened, you will be reborn as someone else. that is when karma takes effect.
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Re: Black magik and karma
Post # 12
Karma is does what it have to though it takes time
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Re: Black magik and karma
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
"Black magick" is merely a way to get a job done without over concern with harm none. But Karma is about the person as a whole, their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Many people who practice black magick are good people, it is all in the broad spectrum of things and in the perspective, morals, and values of the individual. As long as they stay true to what THEY feel is right, then it is not "bad karma". Humans have placed labels on what is "wrong" and "right" but nature kills, steals, rapes, and gains no "bad karma" because it is in an animal's instinct and is perfectly acceptable. Since we are more advanced in philosophy and society as a whole, it is how we are taught to live by our parents and experiences that shape what would be considered "negative" or "positive". It is within ourselves that shapes our Karma. When we are unhappy or disagree with our thoughts, emotions and actions yet continue them anyway, this is what causes bad karmic effect.

A military man, guard, agent, or police officer may need to kill or harm to save innocent lives. Does this mean every one of them has bad karma? Certainly not. The same goes for magick. Magick is apart of life. What makes those who uphold law and safety any different? Just because society says it's "ok" makes it acceptable. But gods forbid a magickal practioner causes harm for greater good? Silly.

If it's "ok" for a woman to use pepper spray or mace against an attacker, why is it different to use magick to protect herself in a way that may cause harm to someone who has hurt her?

To rid someone of disease or mend an injury, we must often hurt something to heal. Doctors hurt to heal everyday. Why is it wrong for black magick to kill a disease to heal a person?

There is a line between "black magick" and "evil magick". Evil magick is performing malicious acts with full knowledge that it is malicious. Black magick can do a lot of good. It is not "bad" it is just more on the carnal side of life. We all have our carnal ways, but some reject them for civility sake, then teach their children who only grow to know that way of right vs wrong.

An insane murderer will gain no "bad karma" because he knows no better. A mental disease or the experiences in his life has caused him to become closer to his animalistic nature to hunt his prey. But a sane man who is against killing and plots a murder will suffer karmic effect from it.

Ancient civilizations found it perfectly normal to commit human sacrifice and people were even willing to be the sacrifice at times. This was "normal" therefore had no ill karmic effect.

I hope I brought some clarity to your ramblings of a curious mind =)
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Re: Black magik and karma
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 14
Also I would like to add that "black" and "white" magick is a relatively new label that society has made. This is why it's such a hazy topic and most just say all magick has no color. If you read into ancient magicks, magick was magick. Most ancient magick would be considered "black" to new age witches just because of societal changes in what is "right" or "wrong" which is reflected greatly on Christian perspective. Mind you, Christianity has only been around for a mere two thousand year.

Before it was the PERSON who performed magick and their own personality/ways that labeled them malicious or benevolent. And therefore their magick and way of going about life in general was considered "evil". The individual was considered evil as a whole, not just their magick. This however was exaggerated and "black magick" eventually became classified as anything to do with "harming"....enter the fluffs.
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Re: Black magik and karma
Post # 15
Karma is a difficult subject. It is a sad fact that in this life, bad people do not always get what they deserve, and the same is true of good people. Thus, if karma does exist, it must affect you in the next life, or the afterlife, or whatever you believe comes next.

I make no judgment on that. Maybe there IS an afterlife wherein we reap the fruits of our actions. However, it seems to me that karma can be a psychological coping mechanism. The fact that bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people, is obviously a cause for concern for most people. They want to believe that everything will work out okay in the end; thus, they invent karma, to assure themselves that the world is a just place. Even worse, some confused individuals say that people who suffer in this life are suffering because they had bad karma in their previous life (even though they are now a new person, who did nothing to deserve it). This is a horrible thing to say, and patently false: it is just a way to avoid reality and make themselves feel better.

A harder thing to face is that there may not be any such thing. The world is not perfect; we cannot sit back and assume karma will take care of justice for us. It is up to US - to you and me - to see that justice is done; it is up to us to perfect the world. As we perfect ourselves, through the acquisition of knowledge and the practice of charity, we perfect the world. This is a well-known principle of magic: the microcosm (yourself) reflects the macrocosm (the world), and vice versa. If you can face this, be proud, because not many can. (And if you can grasp this principle, you'll find that your magical work will be greatly enhanced: it is an essential in Hermetic practice.)

And the good news is, we - as a species - have already made great strides in perfecting ourselves. We have already reduced much suffering in the world. A thousand years ago, it was much more brutal place! That is what I believe the purpose of magic is, and also what I believe the purpose of science is: to make the world a better place for all of us. That is why I have devoted my life to both of them.


All this said, there may be a sort of "magical karma", returning the effects of your magical workings to you. That is certainly possible; I have some theories, but no facts, and I don't wish to speculate when I'm not sure of my knowledge.
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