Spells that work?

CovenSpell Casters ► Spells that work?

Re: Spells that work?
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Ki meaning energy yes. There is different kinds of energy. There's the energy from electricity, or from a fire, there's energy inside our bodies and inside plants and animals, but there's energy kind of floating around the universe. The energy in magick is different from the energy in electricity. The energy inside our body/plants/animals is only enough for us to go about our day. Using this energy for a spell weakens us and can make us sick. The energy used in spells comes from the universe. Before casting a spell you charge your body with this energy, then let it pool in an object, charging the tool to be used in the spell. After casting you need to ground any extra energy. Similar to having too little, too much energy can make us sick. Think of a kid eating sugar, they get hyper and crash. Energy is the same way, too much or too little will cause us to react and eventually go to sleep to balance out our energy.
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 10
*thumbs up* got ya
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 11
the spell I have done that have worked are the bay leaf wishing spell and a money spell bottle luck spell and a spell for self love
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 12
are there any dragon spells that work?
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 13
Dragons teach you dragon magick. They will do it better than anyone else.
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Re: Spells that work?
By: / Novice
Post # 14
Dragon spells for protection or wealth do. Spells to become one, 'unleash your inner Dragon', or gain powers of a Dragon do not.
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 15
theres this one spell that I have casted and it worked it was a break up spell, there was a guy that I really liked and he was going out with chick who was a cow lol anyway I casted it because I had plans on hooking up with him.

at the end a month later the spell...WORKED!!!
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 16
@Miss Lily... what break up spell did you use?
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Re: Spells that work?
Post # 17
I have also had trouble finding spells that work I've been trying to find a spell to turn myself into a vampire for two years and every spell I try on here didn't work
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Re: Spells that work?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18

Joshua, since vampires don't truly exist there are no spells that are going to turn you into one.

The whole idea of the vampire is based on Medieval lack of understanding of the normal processes invollved in death and the decay of the body. For centuries this myth survived and vampires were therefore feared and reviled. It wasn't until Ann Rice came along and made them seem glamorous that people started thinking it would be cool to turn into one. And this nonsense was reinforced by the Twilight series of books and movies. But vampires remain the stuff of myths, fantasy novels, and Hollywood films. No such creatures truly exist.

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