Do humanoid beings exist?

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Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 5
They are actual people who give of a vibe which drains you or they will do this by psychologically wearing you out. In Europe there have been instances of blood drinking but there is really no supernatural implication.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 6
I do not believe a physical embodiment of such things, but an astral representation most definitely. Surely Poseidon keeps mermaids and such at his side. And astral creatures have been known to appear briefly on our plane.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 7

Fenriel, I saw that "documentary" too. Sadly, it's a fake...kinda. The producers used the example of mermaids to explore the aquatic ape theory. The theory states that humans have certain adaptations that would (theoretically) allow us to return to the sea and evolve as mermaid-like creatures, much like wolves and killer whales share a common ancester. It was sort of a thought-project into how the world would have been if some humans had taken that evolutionary path. It was really convincing though. The CGI on the merfolk was really good but still just CGI.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 8
Humanoids, and many more exist. Visit some of the other planes and eventually find out for yourself.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 9
I don`t know I`m pretty good when it comes to reading humans, which is a main reason I dislike movie genre such as comedy, romance, drama, because I can see how fake it is and to me it only looks like watching a drawing with a sound track(bad drawings and even worse sound tracks).

And in that documentary I was unable to notice any form of fake emotion that you would see if it was just a show(well at very least on the face of the marine biologist).

But as I already mentioned I`m fully aware that its a good chance of it being fake so I wouldn`t be surprised if it is just a CGI.

Oh and before I forget prune70 what you said are not werewolf's and/or vampires those are energy leaches and are pretty common occurrence and everyone is one in one point of his/her life.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 10
humanoids are quoted as Myth, and myth is not real so, that should mean they aren't real. but as stated above not sure about mermaids

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
Post # 11
Vampires are not entirely fake, as their are people born with weak auras, and the only way they can get the energy they are missing is by taking it from another being, not always living. These types of vampires aren't the only ones as a vampire can be nothing more than a build up of negative energy that found a way to 'activate' you might say. Werewolves technically exist, but not as you see them in movies. There is a type of magic that allows you to draw in the spirit of an animal, including a wolf, and it allows you to gain qualities of that animal, most of the time their spiritual qualities. There are times when the user of this type of magic gets a temporary physical mark, such as red eyes (bloodshot, I didn't mean fantasy glowing eyes) and aggressive behavior, but that wears off after several hours. Mermaids might exist physically, as most of the ocean is undiscovered, but I am pretty sure that they do exist in the astral plane. I hope I was able to help.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
By: / Beginner
Post # 12

A humanoid, by definition, is something that has an appearance resembling morphologically similar to, but not identical with, those of a human. I have not yet seen a definition that states that humanoids are a myth. In fact apes/chimps could be classed as humanoid.

A myth, by its first definition, is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people, or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. If you take this into account, most that was written as fact in ages long ago would be considered myth now, including pretty much every religion we know today.

I also, I don't believe, personally, that you need proof to believe in anything. To me that would defeat the purpose of belief/faith. If all humans needed proof beforehand to believe in something, then no one would be practicing a religion today. In fact, outside of their own followers or personal accounts, most outsiders to a belief think of it as false, myth, lies, or what have you.

I also feel that anything is possible, we are but small beings who have not yet even scratched the surface of what existence holds, for us or anyone/thing else. However I do not think that if these creatures do exist that they dont do so as we think of them today (meaning the fictions, ei. Dracula, Wolfman, Aerial). If anything, I think they, if they do exist at all, would be more of a spiritual being, perhaps on another plane, who could take the form or attributes of said creatures.

But to answer your question, no they do not exist here with us, as we think of them as a society today. But there is every chance and possibility that they do exist, in similar form, in a different plane or level.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
I personally believe that they do exist, I can see no other reason why many different ancient societies, that had no connection to others would believe in and have seen the same supernatural creatures across the globe.

Hoaxes, insanity, vivid imaginations, etc may all be to blame for some of the sightings, but I cannot see that all these sightings can simply be explained away.

There is also the hundreds of new species found every year across the globe, many are microscopic creatures but some such as the whale species that was discovered earlier this year are unmissable, yet we still seemingly missed them.

I agree that the movie style beings are improbable, but the legends behind these movies may be true.

Re: Do humanoid beings exist?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 14

Why is a thread from June being brought back up?

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