
CovenDeep Arts ► Birthmarks
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Re: Birthmarks
Post # 4
I have read in Bucklands book on Gypsy Magick that birthmarks in certain locations mean certain things. For example a birthmark (or beauty mark as it is also called) on the head is a sign of intelligence.

There is a different association for each location. I don't think I still have the book, but I'll see if I can't find something on the information.

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 5

That would be lovely if you can find it! I've always been kind of curious if the mark means anything to anyone. ^_^

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 6
I have a book on mole meanings depending on its place on the body...but birthmarks...nope I will gladly read such thing.

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 7
Well, now what do you consider to be the difference between a mole and a beauty mark Mara?

Here, they are usually considered the same thing.

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 8
The book I read it in was Bucklands Book of Gypsy Magic

I'm having trouble finding a pdf of it, but I remembered the book at least lol

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 9

I haven't read up on birthmarks, but in my country if you have certain things in your body you can be either lucky or unlucky. For example you have thick earlobes and you are suppose to be wealthy ;)

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 10

@ Rashnu Here in my country moles are the tiny pigmented dots on the body which can be only on the surface on the skin or be like..kind of bubble like pigments and the birthmarks are the larger pigments of the skin that are of some shape.

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 11
omg im aware of this legend too me and my sister have got birthmarks XD!

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 12

Salem it would have been shame if you didn't knew about the "legend" about the birthmarks because you are from Macedonia too ^.^

Can you describe the shape of Your birthmark?

Re: Birthmarks
Post # 13
my birthmark is a round dark spot its located in an unseeable place i dont even know i have it

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