Genetically Engineered

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Re: Genetically Engineere
Post # 26
I could not agree more Faust.;)
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Re: Genetically Engineered
Post # 27
faust and Lady Tessa,

Just because you believe that does not make it right or make me right ,

but GOD gave us free will to choose , he made us a free thinking talking animal , now if we destroy ourselves it will be our fault ..not Gods
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Re: Genetically Engineered
Post # 28
Do not question God's creation. He once punished us because we got greedy for power. Then we used to live a 1000 years and used 100% of our brain.
After His wrath we live a 100 years and use 10% of our brains.
Being smart and advanced is not bad but we must be careful because once we wanted to be gods and that has led us to damnation and stupidity.
I don't think we are playing God by cloning. When we succeed in creating a human being from dirt then we are playing God.
Scientists aren't the opposed to God and religion.

Why are you so afraid of science? No offence but your fear is kinda retarded.
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Re: Genetically Engineered
Post # 29
Faust ,

I am not questioning God's creation , I answered your statement , when you said " if God didnt want us to clone blah ...blah .. what ever I cant recall word for word now , so I answered you ... I just think it would be a mistake , cloning animals for consumption is one thing cloning a human is a not near in this future that I know of .. ( hopefully not in my time ) , but I do not think our leaderwould agree to such a thing anyway .

Fear ? I fear noone and not for myself but for my children and mankind.
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Re: Genetically Engineered
Post # 30
No need to be afraid for your children. From now on we'll get more and more advanced. Soon there will be no disease.
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Re: Genetically Engineere
Post # 31
Hahahahahaha, As free will comes, if God will oppose to such acts then he should destroyed us long time ago. But GOD does not intervene in free will, if that was the case, God would not let so much evil wander around. Scientists for the most part want to play God, nevertheless that does not mean is bad or good. It is just how it is thought. After all everything has a cause and effect.
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Re: Genetically Engineered
Post # 32
God stopped with his actions after the great flood.
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Re: Genetically Engineered
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 33
There will always be disease. If we find cures for the known diseases then more will come about in time. It is nature's balance to rid the environment of the surplus population of a species through famine and disease if other natural processes fail.

Our actions of trying to be god has causes the planet to have a surplus population of humans that we are not going to be able to sustain much longer.

Our actions of allowing those not able to contribute to have a free ride is taxing our resources to the point that those who do contribute are burning out.

In the end those who do not contribute will be left to starve. I think allowing the natural disease to kill them off is far better then letting them starve to death. It seems more human.
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Re: Genetically Engineere
Post # 34
Pan_ I was only commenting on Fausts response about us only using a smallpart of our brain function.
.Never said who was right or wrong as we all have opinions and though they may be differnt that does not mean they are right or wrong.
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Re: Genetically Engineere
Post # 35
The whole 10% usage of our brain is a myth.
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