RE: thoughts

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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 21
-_- that is bad written, and I am the QUEEN OF BAD WRITING!!O_O well, some are more knowledgeable than others.. but not every one can be specific in everything.. ^_^ that is why specialist were made up... so, even thought a genius is smarter than an average person, the average person might be more knowledgeable on average thing, compare to the genius, but yet that is weighting [ [NOTE: knowledge or intelligence cannot actually be measured but shown; my deep thoughts in the subject] ] knowledge, since not all knowledge is useful.. or necessary in certain occasions..
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 22
Ok, so it was said that people in charge here do not have to know more than others. So, why were people bagging out a particular priestess of a particular coven for not knowing enough to be in that position? that she was not educated enough to be a priestess and teach people the little amount that she knew to others that was also seen as the wrong knowledge?

Then there was another post where people were saying stuff like "If you want to be a priest of a coven, then why are you asking others for knowledge about what you want to teach? A preist should know enough to begin with before becoming a priest."

I just thought that people here who had postitions of power were more informed than the rest and handed out knowledge when asked. (So why are there a lot of posts about people still asking for help?)

I am in the same class as Earthstag and we did NOT take just one idea from one person. There was no reason for any one to say so because we both do a LOT of research and cross referencing to make our academic essays VALID.

So, do your own credible research before jumping in.

Should I post some of my essays and lecture notes to further prove my point?
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 23
A Priest or priestess of a coven is not in charge of the site, *_* just in charge of their own coven.. a coven that they made up for their own purposes, so it is their own responsibility.. not of the individuals of running the site.. *_* and if the people in charge running the site, thinks of this coven as junk, they have the right to remove it.. but that if people start complaining about them.. -_-

((((Then there was another post where people were saying stuff like "If you want to be a priest of a coven, then why are you asking others for knowledge about what you want to teach? A preist should know enough to begin with before becoming a priest." ))))) I agree, they just think to hight of themselves or they just wanted a coven of their own so badly.. but it is not a requisite in this site to prove what you know to make your own coven, the only thing you need is to be convincing enough to be approved when applying to make a coven, therefore is not the people in charge of the site to make priestess and priests all knowleadgeable... O_O and it is also something each person who wants to learn to be a critic into what they are getting into.. *_* I can say the sky is black, and if no one question me, I cannot be prove wrong till some else says something that can contradict me.. (Lame anology, I know)

Moderators, and priest(ess) are not in the same level on this site.. I can be a moderator, and not be a priestess and still be more knowledgeable than a priestess.. the only thing that changes is that the priestesses got that title because she put it to herself... -_- ...while a moderator was picked when the administrator asked for people to sign up. Moderators are responsible to keep the site clean, priest(ess) are just in charge of their own coven, but moderators can get into the coven and clean it as well... but it all in ethics.. since a moderator is not an almighty.. ^_^ just the administrator.. but yet does not make the administrator all knowleagebla... #_# I can keep on repeating myself here... after all, I never came down with an specific of what I am talking about.

(((Should I post some of my essays and lecture notes to further prove my point? ))) Do as you wish.. I always cross referance everything I read, and criticize it..after all, I cannot let others run me, if I want to be a bully.. O_o Think of me as the one that is against every one.. even if I am right and make it wrong.. or wrong make it right.. or something like that. ^_^ I am the believer of all things, yet also the criticizer of it as well...
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 24
You are very interesting Variados.

You do have great points but I don't like it when people say "Do some credible research" when they clearly have no idea about. Just because they share valid knowledge does not mean that others should shoot it down when it has been thoroughly researched. Earthstag and I don't post information unless we fully research it to the extent of our abilities.

So, I don't understand why she and I were bagged out for sharing credible researched knowledge.

That is my whole point
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 25
((((So, I don't understand why she and I were bagged out for sharing credible researched knowledge.))))
That always happens... ^_^ after all, those are what might grandpa will call them "intelligentupido" yeah, my translation is not that good.. they think they are so smart, that makes them look dumb, in either case, I always look it as good. It means people actually read what I wrote.. -_- it is always good. So, if their feedback is not good, yet not explain... then I will see half way thought.. O_o most people will agree that what I post on this site does have nothing to do with the magick.. and when it does..I contradict myself all the time.. -_- the reason is simple... my thoughts are never constant... and always debating.. OK.. back to you again.. well in this site you will always find people like that... but if they cannot show their point of view clearly.... then there is no point on getting all worked long as you kept it straight in your end.. after all this gets recorded.. you can always can get back to it.. (( As long, there is no massive clean up... and all the threads get deleted)) but you always get people like that... no matter what topic.. I can be one of those people.. really.. I can.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 26
Well, as a mod she should be setting an example
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 27
And continuous whinning is setting what kind of example exactly?
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 28
^_^ the example will be that a whiner.. needs to be a whiner.. if not then she or he does not deserve to be call with such label.. I am a FULL BLOWN WHINER!
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 29
Well, by all means, feel free...
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 30

I'm something else entirely, and I happily live up to the label.

Starts with a C, ends with a T and has no A
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