The Coffee Shop

CovenNatural Magick ► The Coffee Shop
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Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 151
I had to work 13 hours yesterday after one of the closers didn't show up and didn't bother calling in. No one else would come in, so I had to learn to close last night. And then 11 hours later, I had to go back to work.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 152
For memorial day weekend we went to Red Lodge to go fish. They were all small but there were millions of them. It was a blast! We stayed for so long we all got sun burnt.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 153

Oh, sweet coffee; nectar of the Gods! I finally have you again.

Have a chuckle;

LEO (July 23 - August 22) Something might make you doubt your creative abilities. You might even doubt your role as a parent. Basically, doubt is only in the picture when you expect perfection and perfection is impossible. No one is perfect. Life is not perfect. Only dark chocolate is perfect.

On a more serious note; I've reached a point where I'm done with inner turmoil and feel I must undergo much needed healing, so I'm collecting myself bit by bit and setting my life right. "How do you eat an elephant?" my mother used to ask. "One bite at a time."

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 154
Cheers to that!

Getting my shit together is going slower than I thought.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 155

Even if it's going slow, it's still going and at least that much is good. As someone who can relate, I know that can be hard. *hugs*

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 156





Also, I am out of coffee and have no sleep. On the plus side? I figured out my threshold for patience down to the hour. It is 13.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 157

I've had to replenish my creamer supply again. People think I go through too much creamer

Yesterday, I was approached by a member asking if he could teach me about magic. On his profile, he has a picture of himself and then only really goes to say "Hi, I'm such and such and I'm a magical teacher" and doesn't mention anything about what he actually teaches. No topics, no experience given, no nothin'.

This was my profile bio:

Rokkatru Witchcrafting Alchemist of the Shamanistic variety.
Varying in years of experience, though overall 7-8 years.
INFJ, Gryffindor, dark roast Irish coffee.
Artistry, science, and literature.

~ Lyssa

Apparently that makes people think I need a teacher? He wasn't the first to approach me like that, either, and I'm just sitting over here doin' my thing and going "wuuuut"

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 158
It's because you're a Gryffindor. :P

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 159

I probably should make a proper bio.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 160
*comes in from the world of the lost with chai tea* I had a nice convo with my mom yesterday. She listened to what I had to say on several matters and I explained quite a few things. Thankfully I didn't have the urge to raise my voice in any way, shape, or form.

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