Powers of vampires!

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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 11
Say no to canabalism children.
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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 12
You have to be born a vampire and they have no powers. It is more of a curse because you rely on the energy of others and will feel sick when alone and around a bunch of people. The vampires that drink blood for the most part is a cult there are a few real ones who drink VERY small amounts to get the energy. You are 11 so quit fantasizing about unreal things and learn about real magic which does not come from the devil. Satan. Lucifer. Or any other supposed evil entity
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Re: Powers of vampires!
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 14
PVampire ur mocking real vampires ones that nether have wings or draw off blood or fly, its a curse ur born with where you draw off emotions and aura, I personally think you should think about what a vampire really is, there are psi-vampires and and vampires on the Astral plane
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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 15
This spell doesn't work and even though I'm between 11-18 I already know what kinds of magic are fluff. You can't physically transform into a vampire but Astral Projection might work for you there. Plus, what's wrong with being human? Imagine if thesr fluff spells worked? Stay off the fantasy spells.
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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 16

Vampire spells do not work.
You can take lots of spells from lots of places about becoming a vampire, but you will see they make no sence and they do not work .
These spells are fake! You were born as a human and you will die as a human .

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Re: Powers of vampires!
By: / Novice
Post # 17
LMAO oh sweet zombie jesus was that funny, thank you for giving me my first laugh of the day.

sorry to offend, it was just funny. first, no spell will turn you in the physical. in the astral i'm not sure, but defiantly not physical. we hare human, we are born, live, and die human, it's just life. you can hope all you want, but it won't change anything. try this spell if you want though, but i'll suggest to do it at night, not morning, if it does work, you don't want the sun rising at that moment, right?

the thing you need to know first off is magic is just energy. we use spells to alter fate to help us. if a spell has to change scientific facts, then it's not a real spell and won't work, if it's a spell to say bring love into your life, or bring luck, or a job, or curse someone, or even help you pass a test, then it will work. why would you want to become a vampire? it's not my place to yell at people for bad decisions, but you know it's a bad thing? if you want to be a vampire, study blood magic, there's many vampire tarot and other magic items that have vampiric qualities, but you cannot become a physical vampire.
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Re: Powers of vampires!
Post # 18
Magicians in my country there is a ritual in which they drink fresh, hot blood of the animal, or rather drink blood wrung from the liver. This ritual is used to generate energy and taking away the magic power of another magician.
But it's not vampirism.
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