Mail Glitch?

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Mail Glitch?
Post # 1

Is there a mail glitch happening to the site? Or, is it just my account? Whenever I log in my mail says there mail in it, but when I click there's nothing there and no unread mail either. It has happen to me before, but only once now it seems to happen whenever I log in.

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Re: Mail Glitch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I have ask this question before as well. I've had it happen to me several times, and from what I was told, it's the site filtering out possible spam mail. However, it still causes the mail tab to light up, as if the mail is still there. So not a glitch, necessarily, just the site letting you know there was mail but the filtering system flagged it and removed it.

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Re: Mail Glitch?
Post # 3

I have had this happen as well. I realized it was mail being possibly removed when it informed me of a message from a member known to message me often with spam like messages.

I think like Mis said, it is just being filtered as it is in some way against the rules of the site.

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Re: Mail Glitch?
Post # 4

Oh, okay. Nice to know it not just me having this problem. So, thanks for the answer.

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