Something Less Crowded

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Something Less Crowded
Post # 1
Is there anything such as SoM that isn't as crowded and has more experienced witches and more credible spells?
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Re: Something Less Crowded
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

I'm not sure about other websites, that would require you to do some of your own research, but you can always join a coven of your own choosing that is "less crowded".

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Re: Something Less Crowded
Post # 3
Try the chatter. We have many experienced witches who frequent that place.
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Re: Something Less Crowded
Post # 4
You want less crowded than here? Seriously? This is a fairly quiet board.

Yes: There are other forums out there. But I am very picky, for various reasons. In many other communities, you will overwhelmingly encounter the following on an almost per-post basis:

>Entire boards of nothing but argument about whose tradition is "right," and out-right namecalling.

>Insults thrown at new members who are asking about getting started, for not already knowing as much as someone who has been studying and practicing a very specific tradition for many years.

>Politics injected into everything, and verbal condemnation of members for not aligning with a very specific political philosophy.

>The exact sorts of things you see here, about as much as you see it here. Except in many other boards, it will be met with insult, or with acceptance (at which point you realize you've found a flffdom rather than a magic community).

Yes: There are some other good communities out there, but some may align with you personally than others. That said, most are very active, and very crowded.
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