HoTM: Roses

CovenNatural Magick ► HoTM: Roses
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HoTM: Roses
Post # 1

February's Herb of The Month are Roses!

Which color rose is your favorite? How do you interpret the general symbolism as well as how they differ by meanings by color? Do you feel roses are that generic flower everyone loves? Do you like the smell in perfume? What special memories might you have of this flower? Tell me if you have incorperated this into your practice before, intend to in the future, and how!

Re: HoTM: Roses
Post # 2

I used to have light pink roses on my white cake every year for my birthday until I was eighteen. I know they are associated with Aphrodite, I know how to make a topical love potion out of them and how to try them as well. I have given them as offerings to Aphneius before and he seemed to like them. My favorite roses are the light pink ones most of all which is my favorite flower period. I am also very fond of white ones and yellow ones. I must admit I have not worked with these as much as I would like. I intend to more in the future as a yearly thing on our anniversary like a small little ritual ceremony or renewing our vows and being close to each other.


Re: HoTM: Roses
Post # 3

I love roses of every kind, my favorite will always be the white rose, though. In my opinion, i think the rose ( no matter the color ) will always be - by a lot of people, not all though - interpreted has a love symbol. I think the world has adopted this particular flower to be a love symbol. I love it's smell, in perfume, the flower itself, in everything.

When i was a little boy my grandparents would always have a lot of flowers, roses included. Every time i went to their house - which was a lot since i was raised by them 'till they died when i was 4 - I'd see some flowers on top of the table with cookies and tea. It looked like it just came out of a movie, it was truly beautiful. My grandmother would always give me some candy when my parents weren't watching, it was our little secret in a way. Regarding my grandfather, we'd always build a castle out of normal cards, i would never be able to do it since I'd ruin it, but he used to do giant ones. To this day i keep making some castles out of cards and just think of it, kind of like a tribute lol. When i visit their graves i always bring 2 white roses.
I love this flower because it triggers these kind of memories and makes me think of them. These memories are the best i have, truly.

I have used roses in my practices. I've used it to make little bags for protection and/or peace. I've used them for attraction to use on my friend - attraction =/= love -. I think i will keep using them, i've had some good results, i don't see why to abbandon it.

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