
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Invoking?
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Post # 1

Hi, I'm Vatu and I would like more info oninvoking a god or goddess-like is it bad or good? Also when youinvoke something or someone does it reflect back on you?


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Re: Invoking?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from General Info.
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Re: Invoking?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
When working with deities, or any spiritual entity for that matter, it's always good to use respect when reaching out to them. Never be rude or disrespectful. If you are careful and do proper research on the deity or spirit in question, you should be alright. If you have a specific deity in mind that you'd like to work with, I'd advise researching ways in which to call out to and contact them, offerings they find pleasing, etc.
Working with deities and spirits can be very rewarding, if you're willing to do the research and put forth the effort to form a bond with them.
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