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Post # 1
I'm trying to learn reiki. Does anyone have any ideas where to look?
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Re: Reiki
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Plenty of books on the subject. It is the Japanese healing system using the hands. "Laying on of hands"; well known throughout the world.
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Re: Reiki
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
try and find a qualified practitioner in your area as you need to be attuned to the energies you need to be able to receive the symbols , if someone offers to attune you long distance then avoid like the plague as with each attunment is a day or twos course
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Re: Reiki
Post # 4
If you're trying to learn Reiki as in how to "do it," people will try to push you to take classes and get certified. I think most of the people out there claiming to offer and train in Reiki are liars and relying on the placebo effect, so tread lightly. I do believe in Reiki but I'm speaking from a few personal experiences.

I did have a book that said if you can't find a teacher, you can ask the spirit of Mr. Usui yourself. While this seems logical in a mystical way, I don't think it's that simple. Again, my cynical self thinks they just want to keep turning the page.

The concept is not new and there is plenty of information online, but the "brand" of this type of healing called Reiki is very much about certification courses and money.
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Re: Reiki
Post # 5
Go with usui reiki. That's the most important one. Instead of books, go to a reiki Master and take attunememt.Attunement is a kind of special permission which allows you to utilize the energy of reiki.
Reiki has three levels:-
1. Level 1
2. Level 2
3. Level 3:-(a)Master
(b) Teacher
Reiki works on symbols.Im a master reiki practitioner. It's really powerful but sorry I don't teach it. You can find many nearby your place.
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