Dreams about people.

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Dreams about people.
Post # 1
I've had dreams about a specific person for about 4-5 days now. They can't seem to go away. Does anyone know anything about these sorts of things.
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Re: Dreams about people.
Post # 2
Is this a person you actually know or have seen before or is it someone you've never met?
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Re: Dreams about people.
By: / Novice
Post # 3
If you know this person, it could mean you should look at the things you admire or dislike about this person depending on the dreams context it could be saying you either need to be more like this person, or you are becoming that which you hate. Look at the whole dream.

If this is someone unknown to you, while it could be someone you will meet, its more likely your subconscious. If you feel love from this person, for example, then you are lacking love in your waking life. If this person is trying to convey a message, again, its your subconscious telling you something.
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