
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Drained
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Post # 1
The last few nights I've been feeling very drained. The last time I did a spell was maybe about three to four weeks ago. Every night I've been getting about 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and I'm sure that I am not sick. Someone was kind enough to tell me how to re-energize myself after a spell, but by accident I deleted it thinking it was another message before I could note it in my book.
Could anyone please help? Eternally grateful, thank you.
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Re: Drained
Post # 2
This is my whole process ( including drawing up energy ). Lengthy and probably overkill but It works for me. The way I do it is to meditate to clear and focus mind, I stand barefoot ( when weather permits ) in a clean, clear area of Earth, close my eyes, hold my arms out at elbows with palms curled slightly upward, and mentally picture energy coming up from Earth through soles of feet and filling entire body until I feel saturated. Then I write a Spell, Cast it, Burn it, Scattered cooled ash on the wind or in a stream and ( now because of feeling drained after some spell work, I re learned Grounding, from this site ) I close my eyes touch a tree and will all the excess energy into tree and back into Earth through the roots, I then meditate again to clear head. Spell casting is a timely process for me but this Works Great. :-)
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