What is this entity?

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What is this entity?
Post # 1
This might be kind of a long post. If you're willing to help me out, please bear with me.

I described this entity in my personal journal. Here's some sections (copy & pasted) :

[ [ ...It happened very early in the morning. I don't remember the specific time, but it was still dark out. I awoke out of a dead sleep because I felt something cold dripping on my face (mostly my mouth,) along with the smell of...something I can only describe as cold and rotten, like a decaying animal.

Freaking out, I sat up in bed and went to go wipe it off with my hands, only to feel that there is nothing on my face, nothing on my hands, not even sweat.
I noticed the area next to my bed was cold as well, but the smell was gone.

For some reason, I dismissed everything that had happened, and fell back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, feeling like I was...forgetting something? I had the feeling that I may have had a nightmare, but forgot about it the instant I woke up. This feeling bothered me all morning, until I decided to dismiss it. I remembered the cold dripping on my face, but dismissed it as a dream (even though I knew it happened while I was awake. Denial, I guess.)

Later that day, I was sitting at my desk (on my laptop, like usual,) and that nagging feeling came up again, and then I was assaulted with an intrusive mental image of something I couldn't EVER imagine by myself.

It was the face and upper body of what looked like someone that was decomposing and/or burnt. It had sunken-in eyes, and its mouth was slightly open, with thick, dark colored fluid(blood?) dripping from it. The worst part of seeing this was that it was from the view point of someone laying down, and with that thing standing over them, staring right into their face.

This is still disgusting and horrible to think about. I was hesitant to write this only because I didn't want to remember what that face looked like again.] ] [End section]


A few months ago, I described my experience to my mom. She had been drinking, thankfully. Otherwise, I don't ever think she would have ever told me that she was haunted by this same entity through her childhood. The same face, smell, stature, energy... It was completely uncanny. I would've thought she was lying if she hadn't cut me off and described what this thing looked like.

Whatever it is, comes and goes. Or maybe it's still here and decides to observe, or does whatever it pleases. I don't know. I am afraid to contact/communicate with this entity - I'm going to be honest, I've been attacked by this thing - only a few times, but it definitely left an imprint on my mind. I hate to say it, but I'm kind of scared of this thing. I'm very nervous while typing this. I find it hard to mention more at this time.

What does it sound like to you guys?

Things to note: I am baptized (Lutheran Christian.) I do accept the existence of God, but I'm not very religious. More 'spiritual', I think there's a difference? And I do believe there are positive/negative/neutral forces & entities.

If there's anything I left out, or you may know what it is, just let me know.

Thank you.
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 2
Just a thought, but your house might be haunted by a spirit who was murdered there.
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 3
Now, don't jump to conclusions. I highly recommend getting some sage or sage incense and burn it to ward of the spirit and cleanse the house, adding protection. Best of luck to you.
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 4
it could be an angry spirit, a demon, or a poltergeist. Do you and your mom live in the same house? Also have you done any summoning spells or used a ouija board?
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 5
Like Thranduil suggested, you might try a basic cleansing and see what happens. If you don't have sage easily at hand, you can use rosemary the same way.
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 6
I wouldn't recommend using a Ouija board, but definitely use something to cleanse your house. If that doesn't seem to work maybe you can get a religious figure over to your house, if that's the path you want to take.
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Re: What is this entity?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
Use solar protections--solar crosses, sunstones, etc. Even the Saint Benedict's Cross amulet is a solar cross, not a crucifix. If it is associated with the sun strongly, use it. Entities like Archangel Michael, Horus, Apollo, etc. can be incorporated into evocations. Hmmm, or if you prefer the "kill it with fire" approach, you can work the Keys and evoke Duke Bune or Duke Flauros. It really all depends on your style.

It's a lower world being. It seems like what most here call a spirit of the dead. If it is following your bloodline, your own children will also be haunted by it. This could be a restless ancestor aka a deceased family member. Any sudden or tragic deaths within or before your mother's time? Anyone particularly nasty individuals in your family tree?

If you can track down who exactly it was, you may be able to figure out how to give it freedom so it can move on. It's likely bound to the bloodline due to it's physical ties. So banishment won't work. Protection will only work while they are up. But what about your children's children? Let it end with you. Make sure you aren't just defending against it harassing you, but showing it the door permanently. This is what happens when rotten souls die. Bad pun intended ;)
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Re: What is this entity?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
P.S. - It could also potentially be someone your family was involved in, around, or before their death. For instance, this occurred to a family member of mine when an ex boyfriend committed suicide shortly after her marriage to another man. Oh yeah! Messed up right?!

A vengeful shade would find you as an indirect way to hurt whoever he is angry with if you have a close bond with them (daughter, grandaughter, niece, etc.)
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 9
I forgot to add that my mom & I live in different houses. I have a feeling it's a generational thing.
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Re: What is this entity?
Post # 10
Thanks for this reply & suggestions. I felt that it was a blood line thing, but you pretty much confirmed all of my suspicions.

I want to try to contact it & see if it is a family member, but then I think, what good would it have to say if all it wants to do is mess with me & my mom? :/

I'll definitely take some of these things in consideration.

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