Was is a sign?

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Was is a sign?
Post # 1
Last night I was having a Normal lucid dream not really focusing on anything when all of a sudden a time flashed full color sort of magnified saying 6-8pm I remembered it and then I don't remember anything after that I went through my day normally as if nothing had happened but on my way home from school today I was reading my emails when in an email from my school was the time of a school dance, 6-8pm but that wasn't what scared me, the fonts were exactly the same and the color of the hyperlink matched the color in my dream is almost Leto out of my phone at me,I feel like this is a sign that I should go to the dance but I fear and hope it isn't a warning I just need a second opinion. Thanks
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Re: Was is a sign?
Post # 2
you should go to the dance....there must be a reason why you had that dream...follow it before its too late
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Re: Was is a sign?
Post # 3
I kind of hAd that feeling but it hit me kind of hard and honestly kind of scared me but I think you're right, thanks
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Re: Was is a sign?
Post # 4
your welcome...trust me if you ignore signs in a dream it will slap you in the face later
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Re: Was is a sign?
Post # 5
It happened to me plenty of times. I could be a sign, I guess, but I could also be déjà vu. I also heard somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure, it's a point in your life when you could change something. Don't know if it's true though. :P

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