Book of Shadows

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Book of Shadows
Post # 1
I love to do research about my path, and Wicca in general. However I am finding out that I have so much information and having a couple of books of shadows. I would love to make a nice big book of shadows that is refillable, and wonder if anyone has made one or knows how to? Thank you.
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Re: Book of Shadows
Post # 2

It's simple. You get a bunch of paper, a binder, and start writing down rituals and spells. OR as I've heard many do know, make them on a computer.

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Re: Book of Shadows
Post # 3
Thank you :)
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Re: Book of Shadows
Post # 4
I liked the expandable press books when I used to keep spells. Staples has them. They are used for print outs but are easilly modified to become an expandable spell book. :-)
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Re: Book of Shadows
Post # 5
Flash drives, floppy disks, CDs, really big 3 ring binders... You can get sheet protectors, write stuff on paper, stick them in the protectors, and put them in a binder. Also, if you've a big enough binder, you can get different notebooks and label them for different subjects and put them in your binder. There's a lot if things you can do. Also, you can put stuff on any memo/note apps on your phone or any other device, there's that as well. And then there's just the hard drive of a computer.
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