Helping attract friends

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Helping attract friends
Post # 1
Seems how many have asked how to attract a friend using magic I thought I would add a spell that worked for me long ago. I made this myself.

1.Gather a stick/pillar candle (preferably yellow), sea salt, angelica oil, and garnet.

2.Cast a circle or make one with salt while standing in the center and bless it.

3.Rub the candle with the oil using both hands and working from the outside edges towards the center. While doing this visualize attracting the kind of people you wish to attract. The kind that would like you for who you are.

4. Light the candle and visualize that you have wonderful friends and that everything is peaceful and good.

5. For an added touch carry around a garnet or wear one if you can. They are said to attract people that are good for you.

Remember this is just my opinion and it is usually a good idea to make your own spells or add a special touch as long as you know what you are doing. You should know your basics before casting anything ^_^
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Re: Helping attract friends
Post # 2
I dont want to be rude, but you dont need magic to attract friends, just be yourself.
Thats my best advice.
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Re: Helping attract friends
Post # 3
I know that I only posted this because people were asking for a spell. I have enough confidence to not need it but others apparently do :)
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