seeing the future

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seeing the future
Post # 1
is it possible for someone to see the future
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Re: seeing the future
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
That's why exists the term "divination", and in many ways...for example, I am currently learning by "read tea leaves".
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Re: seeing the future
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Some people seem to have an ability for it.

Others use divination techniques and can achieve it.

A simple way to learn this:

Place yourself into a meditative state. Calm and clear your mind.

Ask deity, angels, spirits, beings whatever you work with to guide you.

now in this positive alpha state take your pendulum or scrying device. I use a ring on a thread.

Ask simple yes/no questions. Start with control questions.

Keep the pendulum still and in your dominant hand.

Ask a control question: Do I live on the bottom of the sea? Note how the pendulum swings. Ask another "No" question and get a baseline of how the pendulum swings, for me it goes side to side.

Ask a "yes" control question. Note how the pendulum swings. Get a baseline for what yes looks like. It goes back and forth to and away from me.

Then ask some yes/no questions you wantto know and note the results.

If the answer is unclear my pendulum tends to do a circle.

You can advance this by making a board with answers or letters and numbers etc.

That is just one idea, there are others using things like black mirrors, crystal balls and of course tarot cards, or even playing cards.

it takes time and some effort, at least for me, but the results can be quite remarkable.

Good luck


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Re: seeing the future
Post # 4
Yes, I cna do so , but the further I trye to look the less chance of it coming true, cause there are many factors that can change the future, but you get to se the most likely one, or thats how it goes when you do it my way, hope this halped
p.s. Dont try to force it, forced sights of the future show a random canary not the most likely one, again my way not shore aboat other mathods
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Re: seeing the future
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
If a thing is worth saying, it is worth saying correctly and well....
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Re: seeing the future
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
The future can be "predicted", in such things as weather forecast.
But nobody,repeat nobody, can foretell future events.
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Re: seeing the future
Post # 7
Thank you everyone but I should have been more specific I use to see small events like something someone would say every little while but latley I have been seeing quiet a few like i saw a person last year and it was a girl and then she came to the school that year and all events are in my dreams and they are the only dreams I can usually remember and do you think that would be called like seeing the future
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Re: seeing the future
Post # 8
Some people will tell you that it is just a coincidence. I beleive that like thor said, you can hone your natural ability. I recently got a pendulum but found that i already knew the answers to the questions i wanted to ask it, before it started to move. But it was pretty cool. I have a set of oracle gemstone cardr that i use daily to prepare myself. I don't use the reccomended spreads. Instead i do a 4 card spread. Love. Money. Health. And spirituality.
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Re: seeing the future
Post # 9
Ok so are there any tips to try to explore my gift because I keep have these dreams
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Re: seeing the future
Post # 10
There is a word for bringing your ability from your subconious into your concious mind that i cant think of right now. But once i started to do a.p. Excercises and finding your spirit guide, which you can find on here by using your searchbar, the dreams werent of as much concern. Still there. But alot less importance and stock placed in them. Dreams come from your subconcious while you are sleeping.
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