I had a calling!

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I had a calling!
Post # 1
Hello, I'm very new to this but I'm an old soul. I have been approached and told I need to find myself as I have a past. I have no idea where to begin. I have been given 2 gifts so far from white witches, a book about witches and a blessed pentagram bracelet that was owned personally by a practicing white witch, are these signs? I know I'm different I feel it but don't know what to do about it! Help :)
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Re: I had a calling!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
If you feel that strongly about and you are at SoM then yes, i would say it is a sign

explore where your path will lead you and enjoy the ride.

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Re: I had a calling!
By: / Novice
Post # 3
i agree with thor as he almost always gives the advice that i would. study the basics. practice.
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Re: I had a calling!
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I myself have always felt a pull toward witchcraft since I was young. I would say that it is a sign. Although I myself haven't really experienced signs, they were more like "pushes" if you will.. and you've brought yourself here so it seems that you do have a calling and an interest.

I hope you enjoy being here, learn much, and have fun! :)
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