Unsure I guess

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Unsure I guess
Post # 1
Not really sure yif I can get answers here but let me start off. Name is ZX no thats not my real name.... so to speak. Any ways many years ago myself and friends used to be into the occult. We would practice magic and such as well as delve into other researches. Well something happened and I do not wish to say what but before that happened they put .. for lack of better terms I do apologize.. a barrier spell on me. Its hard to explain but it was not only for external protection but internal confinement. What exactly I don't know. As far as why I am here I am trying to figure out why it was placed upon me. I actually have some control over it. Spells dont work unless I allow them as well as telepathy. No I can't read minds but can protect a thought kinda like a one way line of communication. I heal faster than I should and every year that passes the spell or what ever gets weaker. I know this only because auras become easier and easier to see. There is something else too but not sure what it is but it feels like a part of me I just dont have access to. If anyone here knows anything similar or needs more information I will be happy to supply what I can. Thank you
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Re: Unsure I guess
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Sounds like you are just learning, that's all. Becoming more aware goes along with this magickal learning, hence your aura seeing. And without knowing more, a barrier of what kind was put on you? And the part of you that you don't have access to could be you are learning, so it is awakening. That's all I have for you without knowing more.
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Re: Unsure I guess
Post # 3
Sounds very resonable for the part inside but I have been seeing auras since I was young among other things. We were all very adept in the occult when we met. Which is how we all met we just sensed each other. I am grateful for your reply as others either said I was fake or to find a different site as they would not help me on other websites/forums.
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Re: Unsure I guess
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Nothing on your profile ZX. We don't know anything about you; age, gender.location; nothing! All that you have written could be just your fantasy for all we know!
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Re: Unsure I guess
Post # 5
My apologies Brysing i was called away for work. Love being on call some times but not last night. I updated my info so if you would please forgive the tardiness I would be grateful.
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Re: Unsure I guess
Post # 6
Well I guess no one here has any ideas or answers. I hope for the best for all of you with your journey in self discovery and magic. Regardless of what others think know that it is only opinions and not facts in which they speak.
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Re: Unsure I guess
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
ZX, you have already answered your own question, "Spells cannot work unless I allow them--".
That is not an opinion. That's a fact! No spell can bind you, unless you believe that it can!
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