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Post # 1
Hey okay

Every full moon or eclipse I go into a strange trance and then I get really cold and I won't eat anything except meat. I probably sound kinda crazy but it just started this year and I was woundering if its weird or what it is.
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Re: Trance
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Spells Discussion.
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Re: Trance
Post # 3
It is known in the field of psychology that the full moon has effects on the brains of humans and animals. It is still some what of a mystery but there are theories that because the moon has an effect on water and we're mostly water that therefore the moon effects us. Also the case of Mr.W where it was discovered that the nerve cells Mr.W's brain would malfunction only on a full moon. You are not a were wolf but there a rare medical condition called Lycanthropy that causes you to mistake your self for a wolf. You are not becoming a werewolf nor do I think you have any serious medical conditions relating to the subject. Perhaps just due to your love and personal connections with wolves their behaviors and yours are merged due to a psychological response to the full moons effect.
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Re: Trance
Post # 4
Thanks but I never claimed to think I was a werewolf I was honestly putting down a couple symptoms but thank u
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Re: Trance
Post # 5
Any other thoughts?
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Re: Trance
Post # 6

To be honest, when I read your post the first thing I thought of was anemia. Red meats contain a lot of iron so anemic people often get cravings. Cold hands and feet are fairly standard as is dizziness (which depending on the person of course) could feel like a trance state.Not to be blunt about this but the menstrual cycle is on average about 28 days which is the same length as the lunar cycle. Some women are more susceptible to anemia at certain times in their own cycle. It's possible that yours just happens to coincide with the moon.

Just a suggestion of course. Also, that theory doesn't account for the eclipse. Perhaps a quick stop by your local medical professional wouldn't hurt.

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