Blood Magick

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Blood Magick
Post # 1
I am just curious i have been reading on the internet about blood magick. I just wanna know what are the results that you've had and are you for or against it. What would you use blood in magick for, is it just for binding, summoning or just adding extra energy to any spell?
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Re: Blood Magick
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
Blood is used in as a means to add your own personal energy via your blood as an additive boost - per say - for strengthening a magickal working; which of course makes it personal and in turn can be means of binding. Blood magick is very strong and, like any other magical practice, should not be done out of boredom, just to do so, done lightly, and the like. Blood can also be used for offerings to certain deities, if the deity likes blood for offerings. Menstrual blood is a rather strong source of blood. It's considered to be sacred because is natural and not gained the a cut or some injury. Using your own blood would be best for the sake of health. No matter which way you use it just be careful about it.
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Re: Blood Magick
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
Use the search bar in the upper right and type in "blood magick" you will find many past topics on the subject, many that are fairly recent.
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Re: Blood Magick
Post # 4

WhiteRav3n, I don't think this thread was meant to be a question. xP

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