peaches's Profile

Member Info
Name: peaches
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 24 Feb 2020

Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello everyone,
I have been practicing and studying magic for 12 years. I was lead to my path through Visions, Dreams, Signs, and etc. I am currently a practitioner of Voodoo. I am also an Empath.
Please do not get upset if I do not answer your emails right away. I am willing to help anyone. Although you might not like what I tell you.
Meditation is key, it is very important and will help you find your way. I do not do spells. The answer is within yourself but sometimes it takes someone else to point it out.
I believe that we all have something unique about us. We all have similarities but are so different. However, no one practices magic or religion the same way.
If you have any questions, let me know.. If you just say hey wutz up and don't tell me what you want.. Than don't get upset if I ignore you.. Please, have a question or something to talk about.